Juan Morel Campos

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Juan Morel Campos (born May 16, 1857 in Ponce ; † May 12, 1896 ibid) was a Puerto Rican composer and the most important representative of the Puerto Rican Danca .

Campos received his first music lessons at the age of eight from Antonio Egipciaco . He learned to play practically all instruments of a brass band and was the founder and director of the fire brigade band (later the municipal band) of Ponce. He later took lessons from Manuel Gregorio Tavárez , the Padre de la Danza Puertorriqueña , and founded his own orchestra, La Lira Ponceña . For this he composed more than three hundred dancas, most of which he later arranged for the piano. There are also waltzes, marches, overtures and symphonies among his more than 550 works. Campos died in 1896 a few days before his 39th birthday of the consequences of a heart attack that he had suffered during a concert.
