Youth hostel

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A youth guest house is simple and inexpensive accommodation for young people and youth groups . Its furnishings cannot be compared with official guest houses - such as those run by local authorities or large companies - but rather corresponds to that of a youth hostel . In contrast to these, they have different providers and therefore do not have a uniform standard, such as that prescribed by the youth hostel organizations.

Various institutions come into question as sponsors, ranging from the local church to parishes and large schools to mountain and sports clubs . Privately run youth hostels are also not uncommon. However, the offers are less aimed at individual travelers , but primarily at youth groups, for example for holiday camps , youth culture events or for country school weeks .

Accordingly, the houses mostly have multi-bed rooms and often shared washrooms or shower rooms. A sufficient number of common rooms and opportunities to practice sports are also more important than in youth hostels .

The supply units, especially the kitchen and dining rooms, are also adapted to the user group . In the interests of affordable pricing, the focus is usually on simple dishes or home-style cooking ; Many houses also expect young people and children to make beds and participate in the serving service. Suitable, special housing units are provided for any supervisors .


  1. ^ Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk (ed.): Youth hostels and social change . Detmold 1992.