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Jukujikun ( Japanese 熟字 訓 ) is a special form of kun reading of Kanji ( Chinese characters used in the Japanese language ). The jukujikun only occurs in fixed compounds ( 熟語 , jukugo ), i.e. combinations of two or more characters.

A number of terms in Chinese are represented by combining two characters, for example 明日 for tomorrow. If there was a single word for it in Japanese, it was written with this combination of characters, but read as one word, in this case old Japanese asu or modern ashita . A Sino Japanese reading of the word also exists myōnichi , this is, however, written language .

In some cases, the Jukujikun reading of a combination of characters also has a different meaning than the Sino-Japanese reading. If 今日 Sino Japanese konnichi read, it means "today, currently, currently" while kyō "today, this day" means.

In some jukujikun, okurigana are appended to the word to mark the reading, for example in the kanji spelling of oishii ( 美味 し い , “delicious”).

Some of the Jukujikun readings are no longer common in the modern language, and the words are written in hiragana or katakana instead .

compound Jukujikun Onyomi translation
Day information and traditional month names
一 昨日 ototoi issakujitsu the day before yesterday
昨日 movie theater sakujitsu yesterday
今日 kyō konnichi today // nowadays
今年 kotoshi can this year
今朝 kesa konchō this morning
明日 asu , ashita myōnichi tomorrow
明 後 日 asatte myōgonichi day after tomorrow
如月 kisaragi - second month of the lunar calendar
弥 生 yayoi - third month of the lunar calendar; s. a. Yayoi time
Seasons and weather
五月 雨 samidare - early summer rain
時 雨 shigure - autumn rain shower
梅雨 tsuyu baiu Rainy season (June-July)
雪崩 nadare - Avalanche
吹 雪 fubuki - Snowstorm
陽 炎 kagerō yōen Heat shimmer
紅葉 momiji kōyō Fall foliage
疾風 hayate shippu Storm wind
Counting words
一 人 hitori - a person
二人 futari - Two people
一寸 chotto issun pretty // a Sun (3.03 cm)
Kinship relationships
従 兄弟 itoko jūkeitei cousin
従 姉妹 itoko jushimai cousin
伯父 oji hakufu Uncle (older brother of mother / father)
叔父 oji shukufu Uncle (younger brother of mother / father)
伯母 oba hakubo Aunt (older sister of mother / father)
叔母 oba shukubo Aunt (younger sister of mother / father)
曾孫 himago sōson Great-grandchildren
玄孫 yashago genson Great-great-grandchildren
果物 kudamono - fruit
小豆 azuki - Adzuki bean
山葵 wasabi - Wasabi
百合 yuri - Lilies
Adjectives / adverbs
可愛 い kawaii - cute
可笑 し い okashii - amusing; ridiculous; strange
美味 し い oishii - delicious
生 憎 ainiku - unfortunately, unfortunately
太 刀 tachi - Tachi
山 車 dashi - decorated float
凸凹 dekoboko - uneven
凹凸 - ōtotsu concave-convex, uneven
雑 魚 zako - Little fish, little fish
田 舎 inaka densha Country, rural area

See also

The counterpart to the Jukujikun, i.e. special readings in certain combinations of characters, are the Ateji , special spellings for individual words.

Web links

  • Jōyō Kanji table of the Japanese Ministry of Education with a list of Jukujikun in the appendix, pdf