Jules Ratankumar Ajodhia

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Jules Ratankumar Ajodha

Jules Ratankumar Ajodhia (born January 27, 1945 in Suriname District ) is a politician from Suriname . Among other things, he was Vice President of Suriname between 1991 and 1996 and again from 2000 to 2005 .


Jules Ratankumar Ajodhia completed a law degree at the Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeKUS), which opened in 1968, and was involved as a member of the Hindustans , the ethnic group from India , in the Arya Dewaker Association and was its chairman for several years. Between 1978 and 1988 he acted as district commissioner and thus as head of the administration of a district. In 1988 he was appointed Minister for Justice and Police (Minister van Justitie en Politie) in the government of Henck AE Arron , who was also head of government as Vice-President. He was a member of its cabinet until 1990.

After the “telephone coup” (Telefooncoup”) or “Christmas coup” (kerstcoup”) , in which President Ramsewak Shankar was deposed on December 24, 1990, he was elected for the progressive reform party VHP ( Vooruitstrevende Hervormings Partij ) was first elected Vice President of Suriname (Vice President van Suriname) and thus Deputy President Ronald Venetiaan . As such, he was ex officio head of government from September 16, 1991 to September 15, 1996. During his tenure, he tried to end the war in Suriname as well as a military reform that provided for a reduction of the armed forces from 4,000 to 2,000 soldiers and the removal of the armed forces commander Desi Bouterse . His cabinet included Subhas Mungra as foreign minister. After his tenure ended, he was Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Anton de Kom Universiteit between 1996 and 2000.

On August 4, 2000, Ronald Venetiaan was re-elected President of the Republic by 37 of the 51 members of the National Assembly (De Nationale Assemblée) . Jules Ratankumar Ajodhia was re-elected Vice President by the National Assembly and sworn in together with Venetiaan on August 12, 2000. As Vice-President, he was also chairman of the Council of Ministers by virtue of office. His cabinet included Marie Levens as foreign minister, Ronald Assen as defense minister, Humphrey Hildenberg as finance minister and Urmila Joella-Sewnundun as interior minister. He held the office of Vice President for five years until August 12, 2005. From 2005 to 2010 he was a member of the National Assembly himself.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Suriname: Vice Presidents in Rulers
  2. Suriname: Vice Presidents in Rulers
  3. Suriname: August 4, 2000 in Rulers

See also