Jules Sedney

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Jules Sedney (1973)

Jules Sedney (born September 28, 1922 in Paramaribo ; † June 18, 2020 there ) was a Surinamese politician .


Sedney studied economics at the Universiteit van Amsterdam . During his studies he was also a member of the Vereniging Ons Suriname , the “Vereinigung Unser Suriname”, founded in Amsterdam in 1919 . After receiving his doctorate in 1956, he returned to Suriname and joined the Central Bank of Suriname (CBvS).

After the parliamentary elections on June 25, 1958, he became finance minister in the Emanuels cabinet for the Nationale Partij Suriname (NPS). He held the ministerial office until the new elections on March 25, 1963. In 1963 Sedney became president of the National Development Bank (NOB: National Ontwikkelings Bank ), which was founded in the same year .

After the NPSer Just Rens, who was dissatisfied with the political direction of his party, founded the Creole Progressieve Nationale Partij (PNP) in 1967 , Sedney also joined this party. In the elections on March 15, 1967, the PNP won three seats in parliament, which were taken by Rens, Sedney and AJA Quintus Bosz.

After the elections on October 24, 1969 Sedney moved again for the PNP in Parliament and was elected Prime Minister (November 20, 1969 to December 24, 1973) by the MPs. He also took over the Ministry of General Affairs. After the PNP had not received enough votes to enter parliament in the new elections on November 1, 1973, his offices as prime minister and minister also ended.

In 1980 Sedney became President of the Central Bank of Suriname. As a result of a conflict with Desi Bouterse in 1983, he submitted his resignation and moved to the Netherlands. Only in 1989 did he return to his native country.

Jules Sedney died in Paramaribo at the age of 97.


  • Het werksitzheidsaspect van het Surinaamse tienjaren plan , Amsterdam 1955 [Dissertation]
  • Kiezen en delen: critical analysis van het kiesstelsel en inrichting van de nationale , Paramaribo 1980
  • De toekomst van ons verleden. Democratie, etniciteit en politieke machtsvorming in Suriname , VACO Publishers NV, Paramaribo 1997 [3. revised edition, Paramaribo 2017, ISBN 978-999-14-0-109-6 ]

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Oud-premier Jules Sedney ingeslapen , StarNieuws on June 18, 2020 Dutch, accessed on June 19, 2020.
  2. Oud-premier Jules Sedney heengegaan Suriname Herald on June 18, 2020 Dutch, accessed on June 19, 2020.
  3. StarNieuws on September 28, 2017 On his 95th birthday Jules Sedney receives a copy of the 3rd edition of his book De toekomst van ons verleden from Ed Hogenboom, Vaco Publishers NV in Paramaribo, Dutch, accessed on September 10, 2018.