Juliane Lugsteiner

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Juliane Lugsteiner (born October 3, 1953 in Theresienfeld ) is an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and café owner. She has been a member of the Austrian Federal Council since 2008 and Vice Mayor of Theresienfeld since 2004.

education and profession

Lugsteiner attended elementary school in Theresienfeld from 1959 to 1963 and then attended secondary school in Felixdorf from 1963 to 1967 . After attending the polytechnic course in the 1967/68 school year, she learned the profession of office clerk from 1968 and at the same time completed the commercial vocational school. In 1971 she completed her apprenticeship. Lugsteiner then worked as an office clerk from 1971 to 2002, completing the university course for applied business administration and communication at the Regional Innovation Center in Wiener Neustadt from 1991 to 1993 . Lugsteiner has been running a coffee house since 2004.

Politics and functions

Lugsteiner was elected to the local council of her home parish Theresienfeld in 1990 and in 1995 took over the function of a managing member of the local council of Theresienfeld. In 2004 she was promoted to deputy mayor of the community and at the same time took over the internal party function of chairman of the local council of the SPÖ Theresienfeld. Within the party, Lugsteiner was also the local party chairman of the SPÖ Theresienfeld from 1991 to 2007, and at the district level she has been the district party chairwoman of the SPÖ Wiener Neustadt since 2001. Lugsteiner has also been active at the state level as a member of the state party executive committee of the SPÖ Lower Austria and was also elected a member of the SPÖ federal party executive committee in 2006. She is also involved in the SPÖ women's organization, where she has been the district chairwoman of the SPÖ Wiener Neustadt since 2001 and was also elected deputy regional women chairwoman of the SPÖ Lower Austria in 2001.

Lugsteiner was a member of the Federal Council from April 10, 2008 to April 23, 2013. In 2010 and 2011, she took on the role of deputy chairman of the equal treatment committee and the committee on family and youth. She is also a member of the Committee for Labor, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and a member of the Health Committee.

Since 2007 she has also been acting on a voluntary basis as a deputy chairman in the association for the maintenance and renewal of the infrastructure of the market town of Theresienfeld. She is also the deputy chairman of the Association for Work and Employment Initiatives Phönix Wiener Neustadt.


Lugsteiner is married and has one son.

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