Julianus (Deacon)

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Julianus (* in Aegina , Greece ; † around 400 in Isola San Giulio ) was a Greek deacon who, according to tradition, was commissioned by Emperor Theodosius I , together with his brother, the priest Julius , to Christianize the population in the Piedmontese area.

The biography of Julius and Julianus was recorded in the 7th century, but its main features probably date from the 4th to 6th centuries. It is considered possible that this was one and the same person who, in the course of tradition, became a pair of brothers.

The Golden Legend , according to the two brothers are to northern Italy have established a hundred churches (including one in Gaudianum , today's Gozzano at Novara ) to the hundredth and final establishment of a chapel on the around the year 390 Isola San Giulio have been; however, this island was named Insula Iuliani in the 6th and 7th centuries . He was initially buried there with his brother. The bones of Julian came to Gozzano in 1360 in a burial chapel built for him.

Julian is venerated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church ; his feast day is January 7th.


  • Julianus . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . Founded by Michael Buchberger. 3., completely reworked. Edition. tape 5 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1996.

Web links

  • Joachim Schäfer: Julianus. In: Ecumenical Lexicon of Saints. Retrieved September 8, 2015 .