Julius Henrik Lange

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Julius Henrik Lange

Julius Henrik Lange (born June 19, 1838 in Vordingborg , South Zealand , † August 19, 1896 in Copenhagen ) was a Danish art historian and aesthetician . In 1858 he moved to the University of Copenhagen , a few years later accompanied a wealthy gentleman on a trip to Italy and then turned exclusively to art history . Lange was appointed lecturer in art history at the Academy in 1870 and at the University of Copenhagen in 1871. In 1877 he became a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences .

Of his writings on ancient and modern art, the most outstanding are: Michelangelo og Marmoret (1871); Om Kunstværdi ("About Art Value ", 1876) and Vor Kunst og Udlandets ("Our Art and That of Abroad", 1879), in which he stated the aims of Danish art; Det ioniske capital Oprindelse og Forhistorie (1877); Guder og Mennesker hos Homer ("Gods and Men with Homer", 1881); Sergel and Thorvaldsen (1885); Thorwaldsen's depiction of man (German by M. Mann, Berlin 1894).

Published after his death: The Representation of Man in Older Greek Art (German by M. Mann, Strasbourg 1899); The human figure in the history of art from the second heyday of Greek art to the 19th century (German, that. 1903); Letters (edited by Köble; German by I. Anders, that. 1903); Udvalgte skrifter (Copenhagen 1904). See Brandes, Julius Lange, Breve fra hans ungdom (1898; German by A. Forster, Leipzig 1899).

His brother was the doctor Carl Lange (1834-1900).

Source: Meyers Konversationslexikon , 6th edition, 1906.

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