Juozas Aleksonis

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Juozas Aleksonis (born October 23, 1913 in Ricieliai near Liškiava , Varėna district ; † April 5, 1944 in Kaunas ) was a Soviet partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union (1958).


Aleksonis served in the Lithuanian armed forces and studied at the Kaunas Business School . In 1936 he became a Komsomol member. From 1940 to 1941 he worked for the Komsomol in Kaunas. During the Second World War , he fled to Russia . In 1942 he learned at the Western Front School for Radists (radio operators) at the Central Committee of the CPSU . In the summer of 1943 he became a partisan in Lithuania. He founded the radio station "Tiesos balsas" at Kaunas train station . In 1944 he shot himself.

In October 1963, a middle school in Kaunas (now Kauno Saulės gimnazija ) was renamed after Aleksonis. In 1969 the Soviet Union issued a stamp in memory of Aleksonis.

Individual evidence

  1. Radijo stotis "Tiesos balsas"
  2. http://www.saule.kaunas.lm.lt/saule/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=53
  3. Prieštaringi veikėjai