Justicia de Aragon

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Heraldic shield of the historical Justicia de Aragón

El Justicia de Aragón ( Aragonese Chusticia d'Aragón ) is the name for a public office that existed in the Kingdom of Aragon from the end of the 12th century to 1711. The incumbent's task was to ensure that the rights ( Fueros ) and common law ( Catalan Usatge / Spanish Usaje ) of the country were observed. In the Statute of Autonomy of the Autonomous Community of Aragon of 1982, this office was reintroduced with changed tasks.

The Justicia de Aragón from the Middle Ages to the early modern period

Memorial plaque for Juan de Lanuza y Urrea in Saragossa

History of the establishment

The office of Justicia de Aragón was established at the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th century. The Justicia was initially only a mediator in disputes and disagreements between the king and the high nobility. The incumbent was usually appointed for life by the king. Between 1439 and 1591 the office was inherited by the Lanuza family. The Justicia belonged to the lower nobility. So he could not become too powerful for the king and was an outsider for the high nobility. After the king, the Justicia was the most important and respected political institution in the Kingdom of Aragon. On the one hand, the high nobility in particular tried to assert their interests with the incumbent. On the other hand, the king often put pressure on him. In 1591 Philip II had the last Justicia of the Lanuza family, Juan de Lanuza y Urrea, executed for rebellion . Philip V abolished the office of Justicia de Aragón in 1711 with the introduction of the Decretos de Nueva Planta .


The task of the Justicia de Aragón most perceived by the public was the swearing in of the kings of Aragon when they took office in the Cathedral of Saragossa. During the oath, the king knelt in front of the Justicia de Aragón. After the opening of the Cortes by the king or his deputy, the Justicia presided over it in the absence of the king.

In the course of time, the main activity shifted more and more from the mediation between the crown and the high nobility and within the nobility, to the settlement of disputes between the monarchs and the citizens and between the chambers of the Cortes. He was also authorized to check compliance with the civil liberties, in particular of the “Privilegio General de Aragón”, by the authorities and to report it to the King and the Cortes.

The Justicia de Aragón was the legal advisor to the kings and their deputies, particularly in matters of local Aragon law ( Fueros ). He was responsible for interpreting these regulations. He should notify the king when a new law or other document such as B. a will did not correspond to the traditional law in Aragon. Jimeno Pérez de Salanova was Justicia de Aragón from 1294 to 1330. He translated the fueros, which were previously only available in Latin, into Spanish. New laws were published by the Justicia and deposited with him.

The Justicia de Aragón since 1982

The Office of Justicia de Aragón was created in 1982 and enshrined in the Statute of Autonomy of the Autonomous Community of Aragon . In terms of protocol, the Justicia de Aragón ranks third behind the President of the Diputación General (regional government) and the President of the Cortes (regional parliament) in today's Aragon. The Justicia de Aragón is elected by the Cortes de Aragón every five years with at least a 3/5 majority. The office of the Justicia de Aragón corresponds roughly to that of the Defensor del Pueblo at the level of the kingdom or of an ombudsman . He is supposed to defend the individual and collective rights of citizens. It is not an organ of administration of justice . He speaks no law and has no way of influencing legal proceedings. The office is above all a moral authority.

The Justicia can control the activities of the administration of the Autonomous Region and the subordinate administrative units (city councils). He has the right to information and inspection of files vis-à-vis all authorities of the Autonomous Community of Aragón and the local authorities and can make suggestions which these authorities do not, however, oblige.

Any natural or legal person can contact the Justicia directly with complaints relating to government activities. The nationality , the place of residence , the minority , the lack of legal capacity or the imprisonment are not important. The Cortes and the Committees of Inquiry of the Cortes can ask the Justicia to investigate. Members of local bodies can also ask for action.

If the Justicia detects legal violations by the authorities, it informs the higher-level authorities or the competent judicial authorities and gets in touch with the Cortes. The Justicia reports to the Cortes every year on its activities.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ El Justicia de Aragón. (PDF) El Justicia de Aragón, 2008, accessed on March 23, 2015 (Spanish).
  2. Eliseo Serrano Martín: Imágenes del rey e identidad del reino en los rituales y celebraciones públicas en Aragón en el siglo XVI . In: Obradoiro de historia moderna . No. 20 , 2011, p. 43-71 (Spanish, unirioja.es [accessed April 18, 2015]).
  3. ^ Esteban Sarasa Sanchez: El Privilegio General de Aragón . Ed .: Servicio de Prensa y Publicaciones de las Cortes de Aragón. Saragossa, ISBN 84-500-9682-0 , p. 90 (Spanish, derechoaragones.es [accessed March 23, 2015]).
  4. Justicia de Aragón. (PDF) In: werk = Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa. El Periodico de Aragón, April 15, 2011, accessed January 20, 2015 (Spanish).
  5. ^ El Justicia de Aragón. (PDF) El Justicia de Aragón, 2008, accessed on March 23, 2015 (Spanish).
  6. ^ Javier Ortega: Un abogado y poeta, elegido justicia de Aragón. El País, December 3, 1987, accessed March 23, 2015 (Spanish).
  7. Justicia de Aragón. (PDF) In: werk = Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa. El Periodico de Aragón, April 15, 2011, accessed January 20, 2015 (Spanish).

Web links

  • El Justicia de Aragon. (PDF) El Justicia de Aragón, 2008, accessed on March 23, 2015 (Spanish).
  • Justicia de Aragon. (PDF) In: Gran Enciclopedia Aragonesa. El Periodico de Aragón, April 15, 2011, accessed January 20, 2015 (Spanish).
  • El Justicia de Aragon. (PDF) Versión consolidada. In: Normas Basicas de Aragón. Gobierno de Aragón, January 2015, accessed March 23, 2015 (Spanish).


  • Esteban Sarasa Sanchez: El Privilegio General de Aragón . Ed .: Servicio de Prensa y Publicaciones de las Cortes de Aragón. Saragossa, ISBN 84-500-9682-0 , p. 90 (Spanish, derechoaragones.es [accessed March 23, 2015]).
  • Gobierno de Aragón (Ed.): Estatuto de Autonomía de Aragón . Vicepresidencia del Gobierno Secretaría General Técnica, Saragossa 2010, ISBN 978-84-8380-055-3 , p. 96 (Spanish, aragon.es [PDF; accessed March 23, 2015]).