Carinthian hunters

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Mageregg Castle, headquarters of the Carinthian Hunters' Association

The Carinthian Hunters' Association represents the interests of Carinthian hunters . The head office is in Mageregg Castle , with branch offices in the Carinthian districts taking over part of the organization.

The organization is responsible for all Carinthian hunting license holders and fulfills a political advisory function as well as a further training function and an administrative function. Her motto is: "Hunting is responsibility, hunting is joy."

Jägerhof Castle Mageregg

Due to the great initiative of the then state hunter master Werner Knaus, the Carinthian hunters acquired the entire property with a purchase agreement of April 27, 1967. In the next two years, state hunter Werner Knaus also carried out a major renovation and complete redesign of the interior. Two years later, on June 14, 1969, the castle was inaugurated as "Jägerhof Schloss Mageregg" for its new purpose. Further extensive renovations of the castle took place in 1986 under the provincial hunter Gerhard Anderluh and in 2001 under the provincial hunter Ferdinand Gorton .

Hunting test

Another important task of the KJ is the acceptance and award of the hunting license, which is accepted several times a year by competent persons from the examination board in the form of a theoretical and practical examination.

The examination includes several subject areas: hunting law, weapons and shooting, hunting, wildlife studies, protection, prevention of game damage and Carinthian nature conservation law as well as sufficient familiarity with the handling of hunting weapons.

The exam preparation courses are offered in external courses. The hunting test in Carinthia is considered to be the most difficult of its kind in Austria and is also known as the "Green Matura".

Hunting areas

The Carinthian hunters distinguish between two categories of hunts, community hunts and private hunts . Since hunting in Austria is linked to real estate, private hunting with a minimum of 115 hectares of huntable area is the most original form. These are owned by large landowners who are allowed to exercise their hunting rights themselves. The remaining areas are grouped together for community hunts by the communities. Every 10 years a hunting area determination takes place, in which newly created areas are reassigned or lost areas are removed. The next one will take place in 2020.


The chairman of the Carinthian hunters' association as the state hunting association is the state hunter master . In this function he is the head of the Carinthian hunters, followed by the individual district hunter masters. The state hunter master and his board of directors are elected by 256 state delegates from 8 districts and 133 Hegeringen. The current state hunter master is Walter Brunner, the last election was in 2019.

Former provincial hunter master of Carinthia

Surname Term of office Award
Werner Knaus 19 ?? - 1971 Honorary state hunter master
Gerhard Anderluh 1971-1992 Honorary state hunter master
Dietrich Senitza 1992-1999 Honorary state hunter master
Ferdinand Gorton 1999-2019 Honorary state hunter master
Walter Brunner since 2019

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carinthian hunters' association. Retrieved December 3, 2019 .
  2. History of the Jägerhof Castle Mageregg. Accessed March 31, 2020 .