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Kärtchen was a German measure of volume in the duchies of Saxony-Meiningen and Coburg . In other regions it was called Nösel . The small measure was quite different.


Meiningen district
Saalfeld district
  • District court district Graefenthal , single judge district Saalfeld , district court deputation district Pößneck 1 card = 1 Nösel = 0.465 liters
  • District court deputation district Kranichfeld 1 Nösel = 0.44 liters

Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

  • Coburg 1 card = 1.4594 liters (since September 16, 1869)

In Coburg it was also used as a measure of weight in the honey trade.

  • 1 card = ½ measure = 1 pound plus 12 ½ lot (honey)

See also


  • Felix Blocken: The new dimensions and weights in tables and illustrations with all legal provisions for Bavaria. R. Forchthammer, Regensburg 1871, pp. 305, 310.
  • Economic notebooks or a collection of news, experiences and observations for the farmer and city farmer. Volume 23, Christian Adolph Hempel, Leipzig 1804, p. 187.