Cheese regulation

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The Cheese Ordinance ( KäseV ) is a German legal regulation for the food cheese .

Basic data
Title: Cheese regulation
Abbreviation: CheeseV
Type: Federal Ordinance
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Legal matter: Special administrative law , commercial law
References : 7842-6
Original version from: June 24, 1965
( BAnz. No. 118 of June 30, 1965)
Entry into force on: July 1, 1965
New announcement from: April 14, 1986
( BGBl. I p. 412 )
Last change by: Art. 18 VO of July 5, 2017
( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2272, 2286 )
Effective date of the
last change:
July 13, 2017
(Art. 29 of July 5, 2017)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The cheese ordinance essentially contains the legal definition of cheese, the requirements for the production of cheese and products with cheese and the general classification of cheese types according to fat levels . In addition, further distinctions are made according to cheese groups , geographical designations of origin and quality classes, and the use of the terms standard types and branded cheese is regulated. The regulations on the labeling of cheese, the handling of rennet substitutes and rennet - pepsin preparations take up a lot of space.

Protected geographical designations of origin

In Germany, the following geographical designations of origin are protected according to Annex 1b to Section 8 Cheese Ordinance :

Web links

Cheese Ordinance of February 20, 1934