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Mackerel are often used as bait fish

As bait fish small fish are called to serve as bait for big fish in the ocean and coastal fishing. The bait fish are mostly used on longlines . Bait fish are also used in sport fishing for predatory fish. In Germany, fishing with live bait fish is prohibited by Section 17 of the Animal Welfare Act.

Bait fish

Mackerels are used as bait fish on longlines . From South America , for example Peru , it is known that dolphin meat is also used as bait in the shark line fishing. In addition to small fish, invertebrates are also used as bait , depending on the target species . Longlines, for example, are equipped with squid baits. The squid baits are popular with swordfish, but silk, night and hammerhead sharks also bite.

Target fish species in longline fishing are black hake , various types of tuna , cod , swordfish , halibut , mahi-mahi (dolphin fish), sharks and other, mostly valuable, food fish species.

Bycatch problem

Industrial longline fishing, along with driftnet fishing, is primarily responsible for the fact that millions of marine animals are killed as bycatch or overboard as waste. The bait fish attract turtles, dolphins and sharks and get caught in the hooks.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathias Klose, Fisheries Criminal Law
  2. Dolphin meat as shark bait in Peru