Royal tetra

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Royal tetra
05.Inpaichtys kerri.JPG

Royal Tetra ( Inpaichthys kerri )

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Genre : Inpaichthys
Type : Royal tetra
Scientific name
Inpaichthys kerri
Géry & Junk, 1977

The royal tetra ( Inpaichthys kerri ) is a freshwater ornamental fish from the family of the real tetra . It can grow to a maximum of 4 cm.

It occurs in tropical South America , especially in Brazil (northern Mato Grosso region ). The waters there have the following water values:

  • a pH of 6.0 to 7.5
  • a KH value of 2 to 5 °
  • a GH value of 2 to 10 ° d
  • a temperature of 24 to 27 ° C

The male owns a small territory where spawning females are ready to spawn. The swarm formation is not very pronounced in this species. The species eats everything that stimulates the feeding instinct through movement and fits in its mouth. Spawns from other species are also welcome. The sexes can be easily distinguished by the color of the adipose fin . This is light blue in the male and red in the female. The silvery-blue color of the males develops best in soft water, where the animals feel most comfortable. This species really comes into its own in subdued light and with a dark substrate.


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Commons : Inpaichthys kerri  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files