Kösener toy manufactory

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Kösener Toy Manufactory GmbH

legal form Company with limited liability
founding 1912
Seat Bad Kosen , Germany
management Constance Schache
Number of employees 50 (2017)
Branch Toy manufacturing and sales
Website www.koesener.de

The Kösener Toys Manufaktur GmbH (previously until 2006: Kösener Toys Vertriebs GmbH ) is a toy company in Bad Kösen in Saxony-Anhalt .


Käthe Kruse opened her first doll workshop in Bad Kösen in 1912. A lawsuit against the Nuremberg toy manufacturer Bing for imitating their dolls lasted until 1925 and was ultimately won by Kruse.

After the Second World War, Käthe Kruse had considerable difficulties with the raw material supply in Bad Kösen. Two of her children built their own dolls in Bad Pyrmont and in 1950 in Donauwörth . With the founding of the GDR , the workshop in Bad Kösen was expropriated and integrated into the system of state- owned companies of the GDR as VEB doll workshops . Even after Käthe Kruse left in 1951, dolls were initially made in the Käthe Kruse style. In 1959, VEB presented its first toy animal, a goose, at the Leipzig trade fair . Animals became the main focus of production. After the successful market launch, the plush toy production was built up and that of the dolls was reduced.

In 1964 the doll production was stopped and the company was renamed VEB Kösener Toys . The close cooperation with the Burg Giebichenstein art college in Halle, to which the company was subordinate for 10 years, resulted in many products and designers who worked for Kösen. The company belonged to the Kombinat Spielwaren Sonneberg until 1967 and then to the College for Industrial Design in Burg Giebichenstein . It manufactured a large part of the soft toys in the GDR. With the fall of 1989, the market literally collapsed overnight and VEB Kösener Toys , like many other companies, was facing the end. Under the management of the trust, the Steiff company became interested in Kösen. There was a two-year collaboration, after which Steiff did not decide to buy the company.

In order to avoid liquidation of the traditional company, the Schache family from Bad Kösen bought the company in 1992. Dr. Schache was mayor of Bad Kösen at the time. The company was geared towards the production of natural plush toys. Among other things, licensed products are also sold under the label, u. a. Bernd the bread and the crocodile Schnappi , Captain Blaubär and a few more.

In November 2013 the "Kösener Toy Adventure World" opened. Linked to this was the move from the old production site to the newly opened hotel complex of the former spa hotel "Courageous Knight" in Bad Kösen. This is where the glass factory is located, where the making of the plush animals can be experienced. The "knight", as he is popularly known, also houses the new factory outlet and the Kösener toy museum. The concept is known as "hands-on marketing". The Hotel Mutiger Ritter is also run by the corporate family around Constance Schache and is considered an overall concept. The logo is a friendly looking modification of the more martial lion monument near the Rudelsburg .

The manufacturer also hit the headlines nationwide with a plush version of the Heidi opossum .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eisbär from Bad Kösen , FAZ from July 11, 2010
  2. Changes ( memento of October 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) according to the company register
  3. September 17th, 2008 From the potato head to the dream of a child Käthe Kruse would be 125 n-tv
  4. Toys from the East Zone and GDR. In: MZ-web.de . June 25, 2008, archived from the original on September 6, 2012 ; Retrieved January 14, 2011 .
  5. ^ Stralsund: Toys made in GDR. In: ostblog.blog.de. February 9, 2010; archived from the original on February 16, 2010 ; Retrieved January 14, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / ostblog.blog.de
  6. ^ Transparent factory opened - teddy bears behind glass in Bad Kösen ( Memento from January 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), MDR from November 2, 2013
  7. Transparent soft toy factory opened , Super Illu
  8. Hype about Leipzig opossum: The cutest possum in the world on Spiegel Online from January 8, 2011
  9. Cross-eyed opossum soon also made of plush: Heidi is also known in the USA  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Online on ZDF today from January 5, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.heute.de