Arts in exile

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Arts in Exile is a network project that is dedicated to the arts and artists in exile. The focus is on exile from the sphere of influence of the Nazi dictatorship, exile from the GDR and also Germany as a host country for exiled artists.

The lead for the project lies with the German Exile Archive 1933–1945 of the German National Library . However, the virtual exhibition is expressly understood as a network project in which the expertise and exhibits of a large number of institutions, societies and people come together. The network partners include, for example, the German Literature Archive Marbach , the Jewish Museums in Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich, the Deutsche Kinemathek , the Federal Archives , the Berlin Academy of the Arts , the Walter A. Berendsohn Research Center for German Exile Literature and the Society for Exile research , theAustrian library in exile in Vienna and the Swiss literature archive . An object gallery is assigned to each exhibit in the virtual exhibition, which makes networks and references visible beyond historical epochs.

The site was activated on September 18, 2013. The virtual exhibition received start-up funding from the budget of the German Ministry of Culture and is being expanded by the German National Library.

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