German Literature Archive Marbach
The German Literature Archive (DLA) in Friedrich Schiller's birthplace in Marbach am Neckar was founded on July 12, 1955 and renamed the German Literature Archive in Marbach in April 2005 . Its sponsor is the Verein Deutsche Schillergesellschaft eV The archive is the largest independent German literary archive . It is a member of the Southwest German Library Network .
German Literature Archive Marbach today
It forms together with the Schiller National Museum , the Museum of Modern Literature and the Collegienhaus the single institution German Literature Archive in Marbach with
- its collecting departments (manuscript department, library, image department, Cotta archive),
- the museum department and
- the management and administration department.
The Marbach institutes see their main tasks as collecting, organizing and making accessible texts and documents from recent German literature. This primarily includes, on the one hand, making the results of this work visible to the public in the two museums through exhibitions and catalogs, and, on the other hand, making significant contributions to research through scientific publications, reading and study editions and directories in various series of the German Schiller Society.
The collection
The collections of German literature from 1750 to the present include:
- In the library there is a special collection on modern German literature with around 750,000 volumes, including numerous closed libraries for writers, publishers and collectors; in addition, second-hand bookshops and autograph catalogs, book covers and publisher's brochures. There are around 1,100 literary and literary journals subscribed to, some of which are evaluated for the catalog. A documentation center for gray literature that does not appear in bookshops is connected: around 25,000 folders for newspaper documentation and radio, television and theater program collections, plus audio and video documents.
- In the image department, figurative and representational sources on literature, especially portraits of writers with over 200,000 objects in the collection: paintings, sculptures, medals, graphics and paper cuttings, photographs, posters and book covers, death masks and memorabilia. A music collection with 5,000 sheet music prints and manuscripts and a photo workshop are connected.
- in the Cotta archive the historical publishing archive of the Tübingen and Stuttgart Cotta publishers (1650–1900), the most important publisher of German classical music , with approx. 150,000 letters, contract files , publisher's register and production library .
- in the manuscript department approx. 1,200 estates and partial estates and collections from writers, philosophers and scholars as well as archives of literary publishers and magazines; in addition approx. 50,000 individual autographs.
- in the Suhrkamp archive and island archive of Suhrkamp Verlag and Insel Verlag important holdings on German literature of the 20th century.
The museum and archive regularly publish from the collections :
- German literature archive. Directories - Reports - Information
- Yearbook of the German Schiller Society - International organ for modern German literature
- Marbach library
- Marbach facsimile prints
- Marbach catalogs
- Marbacher Magazine
- traces
- Publications of the German Schiller Society
College house
Thanks to patronage and public grants, the German Schiller Society was able to open a college building (with 30 apartments) for the German Literature Archive in 1993 , intended for research guests, authors and scholarship holders. It is economically self-sustaining.
Modern Literature Museum
In 2004, the fourth building, the Modern Literature Museum (LiMo) , was built in the immediate vicinity of the Schiller National Museum, the German Literature Archive and the Collegienhaus . It was planned by British architect David Chipperfield . The handover of the new building took place on January 9, 2006, the official opening on June 6, 2006 in the presence of the Federal President . On 1,000 m², the museum shows exhibits from the holdings of the German Literature Archive from the 20th century and the present. The completely revised permanent exhibition was reopened in June 2015. The Modern Literature Museum, like the Schiller National Museum, is directed by Heike Gfrereis.
German Literature Archive and Schiller National Museum: the common history
The history of the German Literature Archive is inextricably linked to the creation and history of the Schiller National Museum and that of its supporting association, the German Schiller Society :
On the prehistory in the 19th century
From the Schiller Monument and the Schiller House : the Marbach Schiller Club
The Stuttgarter Liederkranz organized the first Schiller Memorial Celebration in the royal seat of Stuttgart on May 9, 1825 . The first ideas about a Schiller monument to be erected were voiced, which caused astonishment in Friedrich Schiller's birthplace Marbach.
At that time, the district judge Gottlob Rooschüz (1785–1847), the father of the writer Ottilie Wildermuth , was at the center of the circles adoring Schiller . In 1835 he initiated the Marbach Schiller Association as the first German poet society.
In 1839 the Stuttgarter Liederkranz erected a Schiller memorial on the Old Palace Square (today Schillerplatz) in Stuttgart.
The Marbacher Schiller Club bought Schiller's birthplace and opened it in 1859 as a museum memorial Schillerhaus . In 1876 the Schiller Monument was erected on the Marbacher Schillerhöhe , cast from 32 hundredweight captured French cannons, left by Kaiser Wilhelm I.
In 1889, Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911) campaigned for the establishment of new institutions for the care of literature (lecture published in the Prussian Yearbooks ): After the achievement of political unity one also sees the “entire German past in a new light”, and with it “the Literature with different eyes ”. It would arise “from the piety towards our writers and from the need of our research new requirements […] relating to the preservation, collection and appropriate opening of the sources…. The main source for our new literature is of course the books themselves ... In addition to the books, the manuscripts are another source ... The handwritten legacy of the writers is [...] invaluable [...] Enjoyment and understanding of our literature receive an unpredictable valuable enrichment from these manuscripts, and scientific knowledge is simply bound to use it as extensively as possible [...]. The current facilities are not sufficient for these tasks. Only archives make it possible to preserve the manuscripts, to combine them appropriately and to use them properly. So we have to take another step in the organization of our historical research institutes. In addition to the state archives […] there must be archives for literature. ”In 1823, in his essay Archive of the Poet and Writer, Goethe pointed out the importance of a well-kept writer's archive . The Goethe and Schiller Archive was set up in Weimar in 1889 after Goethe's last grandson had bequeathed the Goethe estate, the house, the collections and the archive to the Weimar State on the one hand and to Grand Duchess Sophie on the other in 1885 , and Schiller's literary estate was added in 1889.
In 1890 an “exhibition of various editions, manuscripts, letters and portraits of Swabian poets” took place in Stuttgart on the occasion of the Fourth General New Philology Day (Cottas Allgemeine Zeitung of May 27, 1890). The person responsible for this, Otto Güntter (1858–1949) writes in his memoirs (Mein Lebenswerk) how he found the rich manuscript collections in the reading rooms of the British Museum and in the National Portrait Gallery in what was then South during his study visits to London (1882/1883) Kensington Museum, the "portraits and busts of outstanding Englishmen, [...] letters and other documents, as well as objects from their possession" visited. “We Germans should have something like that too, or at least every German country for itself” (p. 10).
Traugott Haffner (1853–1903), the Mayor of Marbach and chairman of the Marbach Schiller Club, visited the Stuttgart exhibition and was very impressed. At the Schiller Celebration on May 9, 1890, Schiller's granddaughter gave him family portraits that could no longer be accommodated in the small Schiller House. Both the Stuttgart exhibition and the growing collection gave him the idea of building a Schiller Museum in Marbach . The schoolmaster Johann Georg Fischer (1816-1897) put him in contact with the Stuttgart banker and collector Kilian von Steiner (1833-1903), who helped to expand the Schiller Club's collections through foundations.
Swabian Schiller Association and Schiller Archive and Museum
In 1891 these three personalities developed the plan for the Schiller Museum and Archive as an educational and research facility for modern Swabian literature .
In 1892 Steiner financed the acquisition of a large collection for the Marbacher Schiller Club from a descendant of Schiller's sister, and after King Wilhelm II of Württemberg (who had also visited Güntter's exhibition in 1890) Steiner and Haffner were able to win over the project On May 8, 1895, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Marbach Schiller Club, he expressed his sympathy for the plan to "accommodate a Schiller archive and museum in an independent building" on May 9. The king wanted to play an active part in this, wanted the name to be renamed the Schwäbischer Schillerverein and that the list of members of the new club be opened with his name (quoted from Der Postillion, official and advertising paper for the Marbach district of May 9, 1895). The king's letter already mentioned the future use of the collections for education and science. The seat of the Swabian Schiller Club was Marbach and Stuttgart. On April 1, 1897, there were already 13 princely principles, 63 corporations (municipalities) and 82 private individuals among the founders, 65 corporations and 975 private individuals among the ordinary members, a total of almost 1,200 members, including Bismarck and the members of the Weimar grand ducal family. On the Marbacher Schillerhöhe , generous, forward-looking property purchases have now been made and the collections have been greatly expanded. There were already manuscripts and estates of other writers: Hölderlin , Uhland etc.
In 1899/1900 the construction of the museum was getting closer: Planning could begin after it was financed by foundations, membership fees and a 10% endowment from the King of Württemberg. On May 29, 1901 the foundation stone of the Schiller Archive and Museum was laid . The collection was further expanded, and Justinus Kerner's estate was added in 1902. But the first contacts to living writers had also begun, which were to be tied to them through endowments from the association. At Christmas 1896 Wilhelm Raabe received an honorary gift of 2,500 marks. The new museum was inaugurated on November 10, 1903, on Schiller's birthday. In May 1904 Otto Güntter became director of the museum and archive and deputy chairman of the association. In the years 1895–1918, ie until the end of the monarchy, the chairman of the association was the king's cabinet chief, after which Güntter also took over the chairmanship of the association.
1905: Celebration of Schiller's hundredth anniversary of death.
1909: Celebration of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Schiller's birthday.
Schiller research was given its important place, the collections were expanded considerably, which made an extension appear urgently necessary. The popular edition of Schiller's works was published at a price of 1 mark.
Between the world wars
Schiller National Museum
After the First World War , which was felt to be painfully lost , the board of directors of the Otto Güntter Association recruited new members in May 1920 with the words: “The most valuable possession of the German people and the only one that no one can steal from them are their intellectual property . The Swabian Schiller Club, which in May 1920 can look back on 25 years of existence, has set itself the task of leading to them. He tries to fulfill this through his publications and through the permanent exhibition in the Schillermuseum in Marbach, in which among the largest of them the other poets from Schiller's homeland are united and which can be called a popular education center in the best sense of the word. - The need of our people gives the efforts of the Swabian Schiller Club increased importance. The German people can gain inner strength from the rich treasures of their literature and thus the confidence that they will rise again from their humiliation. "
On May 13, 1922, it was decided to rename the museum to the Schiller National Museum : "The care of the Schiller spirit [...] and [...] preservation and promotion of the [...] memorial site (are) a community German, national cause." Goethe Museum was renamed the Goethe National Museum in 1927 .
In addition to the political aspect, these renaming also clarify the right to “national” financial support. On March 19, 1927, the member of parliament Theodor Heuss suggested in a plenary session of the German Reichstag that the Schiller National Museum be granted a “Reich grant”. Until 1938, the Marbach Institute was funded by the state, on condition that the Württemberg Ministry of Culture also made its financial contribution.
With the acquisition of the estate of Caesar Flaischlen in 1930, manuscripts by poets, artists and scholars of the turn of the century ( Theodor Fontane , Hugo von Hofmannsthal etc.) came into the possession of the archive and museum. Its importance grew far beyond the Swabian borders.
1933–1945: From the Swabian Schiller Society to the Schiller Society
With the help of state job creation measures, the long-awaited extension of the museum building was created in 1933/1934, which Otto Güntter praised in his annual report to the general meeting of the Swabian Schiller Club in May 1934: “When the new Germany will celebrate Schiller's 175th birthday on November 10th , the gaze of Germans all over the world will be directed to the place where our people were given the great national poet, whose importance for Germany's elevation and renewal Hans Fabricius in his book Schiller as Hitler's comrade-in-arms [...] a high point of The festive event will be the consecration of the extended German National Museum for Schiller. "
In the body of the Association Committee which had Gleichschaltung already begun: Kilian Steiner's son Adolf courage Steiner had "racial reasons" resign, the Stuttgart NSDAP -Stadtrat Fritz Cuhorst became his successor.
On June 21, 1934, Schiller veneration of the German youth , according to the annual report of the association: “An impressive celebration in memory of Friedrich Schiller was the homage to the German youth at the memorial of the poet in front of the Schiller National Museum on the evening of Midsummer Day , 21. June 1934. In five relay races in which 25,000 Hitler Youth took part, the young representatives of the German tribes (gave) the expression what Schiller means to them. “The association was not an official co-organizer!
At the National Socialist celebration of Schiller's 175th birthday on November 10, 1934, the Schiller Club acted as a co-organizer.
At the end of 1938 Otto Güntter withdrew from the management of the association and the museum.
1939 to 1945: The lawyer and writer Georg Schmückle was the club's chairman and museum director as well as cultural advisor to the Reichsstatthalter of Württemberg.
Due to the war, the collections were moved to a salt mine near Heilbronn . The rooms of the museum were used by Stuttgart authorities.
In 1943 the first volume of the Schiller National Edition was published as a joint work by the Weimar Goethe and Schiller Archives and the Marbach Schiller National Museum: Poems in the order of their publication 1776–1799 .
With effect from October 7, 1943, the name of the Swabian Schiller Society was changed to Schiller Society in the association's statutes, without the participation of the members .
After the Second World War
German Schiller Society
In July 1945 Georg Schmückle was relieved of his office and Mut Steiner was brought back to the advisory body. Erwin Ackerknecht (1880–1960), pioneer of adult education and the popular library movement during the Weimar Republic, became director of the museum (until October 1953).
The museum was able to reopen on September 20, 1947. The sponsoring association was now officially called the German Schiller Society , and in May 1948 Ackerknecht became its chairman.
In 1948/1949 four more volumes of the Schiller National Edition appeared , which were published together with the Goethe and Schiller Archives in Weimar.
In order to top up the acquisition budget, schools in Württemberg held annual collections of a Schiller groschen until 1955 . Ackerknecht organized the first annual exhibitions from the museum's holdings.
Bernhard Zeller became the museum's archivist on November 1, 1953; he set up temporary exhibitions within the permanent collections. Wilhelm Hoffmann , until then director of the Württemberg State Library , became President of the German Schiller Society in 1954 (until 1979). In the same year, the publisher handed the Stuttgarter Zeitung , the Cotta'sche newspaper, magazine and production archive on loan to the museum.
German literature archive since 1955
On May 7, 1955, Hofmann and Zeller presented to the advisory committee for the first time the plans to expand the Schiller National Museum into a German literary archive, which approved them. Bernhard Zeller was appointed director of the Schiller National Museum.
On May 8, 1955, the 150th anniversary of Schiller's death, Thomas Mann gave his speech on Schiller at the invitation of the German Schiller Society in Stuttgart . (He repeated it on May 14th in Weimar.)
On May 12, 1955, in Stuttgart, in the presence of representatives from the state and the city, a decision was made to found and finance the German Literature Archive, provided that the federal government, the state and the city of Stuttgart contributed to the annual budget (then DM 120,000). Today the archive is 95 percent financed by the federal and state governments.
A conference of Germanists, librarians and archivists took place in Marbach on January 24, 1956. During this, the resolution The nature and tasks of a literary archive was adopted. Its key points were, among other things: firstly, "to guarantee the safeguarding of poetic and literary estates and manuscripts [...], to (to) prevent further fragmentation and loss"; Second, it was “recommended that the Schiller National Museum in Marbach and the Goethe and Schiller Archive in Weimar be further expanded in order to create a national literary archive in both West and East Germany”.
In 1957 the first volume of the yearbook of the German Schiller Society appeared, which, according to the editorial, was intended to serve “the scientific research of German literature from the beginning of the modern era to a present that is already accessible to historical knowledge”.
The series of annual exhibitions began in 1958 with The Great and the Forgotten . One of them, the exiled Kurt Pinthus , also visited the exhibition and later settled in Marbach, where he died on July 11, 1975. The great 1960 Expressionism exhibition . Literature and art 1910–1923 (built by Paul Raabe and Ludwig Greve ) made an era: those ostracized by the National Socialists were rediscovered; the exhibition then went to Munich, Berlin, New York, Hamburg and Florence. The catalog established a new standard: it no longer only documented the exhibition, but was supplemented by source publications from the archive. The archive perfected this catalog type with the other annual exhibitions: Stefan George 1968, Fontane 1969, Hölderlin 1970, When the war was over in 1973, Youth in Vienna 1974, Rilke 1975, etc. Most of the catalogs are still available today.
The Stuttgarter Zeitung publishing company gave on 9 November 1961, the original loan archive of the Cotta publishing house "as inalienable part" of the literary archive.
On April 25, 1970, the foundation stone was laid for the new building of the German Literature Archive (completion was in September 1972). The new building was designed by the Stuttgart architects Elisabeth Kiefner, Jörg Kiefner and Wolfgang Lauber. In 2018 the new building was placed under monument protection.
Bernhard Zeller emphasized on November 10, 1970, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Swabian Schiller Club , the independence of the society, the museum and the archive through the independent sponsorship; because museums and archives of this size in Germany are usually state or municipal institutions.
From autumn 1972 the first volumes of the German Literature Archive series appeared : Directories - Reports - Information with inventories, finding aids and bibliographies (for example by Siegfried Kracauer , Kurt Tucholsky etc.). In addition, a research center for research into the history of German studies was set up.
The new building of the German Literature Archive was officially opened on May 16, 1973 in the presence of federal and state celebrities. Here reminded Eberhard Lämmert to Dilthey cited above call literary archives and state archives important to consider the same.
After the museum and archive were connected underground by another new building in 1979/1980 and the museum was also completely renovated for the first time, the area for permanent exhibitions was increased by over 50%. The classic Marbach collections and the newer departments, which had grown rapidly through the establishment of the German Literature Archive, were now able to present themselves in six new departments: Wieland and Schubart , Schiller , Hölderlin , the Swabian romantics Kerner - Uhland - Schwab - Hauff and their relationship zu Mörike , the publishing history exhibition on Cotta and The 20th Century - From Nietzsche to Group 47 . Since then, the regular annual exhibitions can be shown in their own rooms.
On September 12, 1980, the German Literature Archive celebrated its 25th anniversary. In his celebratory address, Martin Walser spoke of the archive as the “Church of the Underground Heaven.” This is “subversive if he remains true to himself”.
In the same year the first volumes of two large editions appeared: Correspondence between Goethe and his publisher Cotta and works, letters and diaries by Wilhelm Waiblinger . In 1980 the office for literary museums, archives and memorials in Baden-Württemberg was established.
In 1983 the first directory of the archives was published, written by Ingrid Kussmaul , which already listed 600 estates (in 1955 there were only 150).
In 1985 Ulrich Ott , Bernhard Zeller's successor, named the tasks of the Marbach institutes in his inaugural address: “ Marbach does indeed provide services. His tasks are to collect, preserve, develop, convey and present. These services, however, are not exhausted by following them through. Legacies in Marbach are not just legacies. You enter a new life here, are linked to form constellations that would remain hidden in you without the work and the effect of this house. [...] to reveal constellations of literature, [...] that seems to me to be the task that is at the center of Marbach. "
In 1988, the spectacular takeover of the process manuscript from Franz Kafka succeeded. Marbach thus became one of the most important collecting points for Franz Kafka : Kafka's letters to Milena , his letter to his father and other letters, the story Der Dorfschullehrer and, in 1994, the Kafka collection Hélène Zylberberg are located in Marbach.
Ulrich Ott summarized the peculiarities of Marbach on May 15, 1993 at the general meeting of the German Schiller Society: “The Marbach collections document [...] the literary life in the relationships and social interrelationships of the authors, the literary production, its communication and reception - in short: the network of literary life. I don't think there is any other literature archive in which […] the total stock means so much more than the sum of the individual stocks. [...] There is a constant double aspect in the use of the collections in Marbach, namely on the one hand use for research, on the other hand use for education, namely through public presentation [...] This equal and mutually beneficial coexistence of educational and research assignments , of the museum and archive is only available in Weimar - but the only general literature museum in the German-speaking area is in Marbach . [...] As a special feature of Marbach, the universal claim within the set task remains. We feel that we remain responsible for German-language literature as a whole, especially in the 20th century up to the present, without wanting to dispute other archives with a more special focus for their tasks [...] "
In 1994 the extension of the German Literature Archive was ready to move into.
On 13./14. In May 1995 the German Schiller Society combined its 100th anniversary celebration in the presence of the Federal President with a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of the German Literature Archive .
In November 2004 Ulrich Raulff became the new director of the German Literature Archive. During his time in 2006, the Museum of Modern Literature (LiMo) was opened as the second museum building, which, with its permanent and temporary exhibitions from the archive's holdings, focuses on the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries (see section 1.5 above). Since a two-year renovation phase, the Schiller National Museum has primarily been devoted to the literature of the 18th and 19th centuries. In 2009, the Suhrkamp archive and the Insel archive were acquired in the holdings of the German Literature Archive. At the same time, a close cooperation for researching the holdings was agreed with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . The archive is also involved in the creation of the online reference work German Biography .
After Ulrich Raulff left, Sandra Richter took over as director of the literature archive on January 1, 2019. In June 2019 she pointed out that a further extension was necessary for reasons of space.
Since the beginning of 2019, the DLA has been involved in the "Network of Literary Experience" project, which is being carried out together with the Goethe House , the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media and the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics .
Bequests and bequests (selection)
The great importance of the Marbach literature archive is documented here with a small selection of pre-estates and bequests or partial bequests (TN):
- A-F
- Ilse Aichinger , Jean Améry , Alfred Andersch , Berthold Auerbach , Gottfried Benn , Rudolf G. Binding , Johannes Bobrowski , Rudolf Borchardt , Hermann Broch , Paul Celan , Peter Otto Chotjewitz , Alfred Döblin , Hilde Domin , Günter Eich , Norbert Elias , Michael Ende , Hans Magnus Enzensberger , Paul Ernst , Max Eyth , Hans Fallada (TN), Iring Fetscher , Richard Friedenthal , Fritz Rudolf Fries , Uwe Friesel ,
- G-H
- Hans-Georg Gadamer , Hartmut Geerken , Arnold Gehlen , Robert Gernhardt (literary estate), Claire Goll (TN), Yvan Goll (TN), Ludwig Greve , Undine Gruenter , Peter Hacks , Peter Handke (diaries), Käte Hamburger , Margarete Hannsmann , Ferdinand Hardekopf , Felix Hartlaub , Rudolf Hartung , Walter Hasenclever , Wilhelm Hauff , Martin Heidegger , Ernst Heimeran , Hartmut von Hentig , Günter Herburger , Max Herrmann-Neiße , Stephan Hermlin , Hermann Hesse , Theodor Heuss (TN), Jakob van Hoddis ( TN), Ricarda Huch , Peter Huchel , Richard Huelsenbeck ,
- I – K
- Heinrich Eduard Jacob , Karl Jaspers , Peter Jokostra , Ernst Jünger (TN), Franz Jung (TN), Franz Kafka (large collection), Joachim Kaiser , Mascha Kaléko , Hermann Kasack , Marie Luise Kaschnitz , Karl Kerényi , Justinus Kerner , Harry Graf Kessler , Heinar Kipphardt , Sarah Kirsch , Jochen Klepper , Siegfried Kracauer , Karl Krolow ,
- L-Q
- Heinrich Mann (TN), Konrad Merz , Karl Mickel , Eduard Mörike , Irmtraud Morgner (TN), Paul Mühsam , Wolf von Niebelschütz , Hans Erich Nossack , Oskar Pastior , Reinhard Piper , Ernst Penzoldt (TN), Kurt Pinthus , Theodor Plivier ,
- R-S
- Benno Reifenberg , Franziska Gräfin zu Reventlow (TN), Werner Riegel , Jonny Rieger , Thomas Ring , Joachim Ritter , Joseph Roth (TN), Peter Rühmkorf , Hans Sahl , Hans Joachim Schädlich , Bernhard Schlink , Arthur Schnitzler ( TN ), Rudolf Alexander Schröder , WG Sebald , Joachim Seyppel , Max Sidow , Carl Sternheim , Emil Szittya , Peter Szondi ,
- T-Z
- Gabriele Tergit , Kurt Tucholsky (large collection), Franz Tumler , Ludwig Uhland (TN), Peter Urban , Berthold Viertel , Werner Vordtriede , Christian Wagner (TN), Martin Walser , Gert Westphal , Wolfgang Weyrauch , Engelbert Wittich , Ror Wolf (Ror -Wolf Archive), Paul Zech (TN), Carl Zuckmayer .
Publishing Archives
The German Literature Archive houses the publishing archives of Deutscher Verlags-Anstalt , S. Fischer , Insel , Piper , Rowohlt , Suhrkamp , the literary Hermann Luchterhand Verlag and the most important publishing archive of the 19th century, the historical archive of Cotta'sche Verlagbuchhandlung . The editorial archives of Merkur , text + kritik and Die Wandlung are also looked after.
- Wilhelm Dilthey : Archives for Literature , in: Deutsche Rundschau Volume 58 (1889), pp. 360-375
- Otto Güntter: My life's work (with part 1 of the creation and development of the Schiller National Museum and part 2 of acquisitions and foundations 1904–1939 at the same time an overview of the entire inventory of manuscripts and portraits ) Klett, Stuttgart 1948.
- Marbacher Chronik - On the history of the German Schiller Society, the Schiller National Museum and the German Literature Archive 1953–1979 . Edited by the staff. German Literature Archive - Directories Reports Information Vol. 8, 2nd reviewed edition, Marbach 1979.
- Ingrid Kussmaul: The bequests and collections of the German literature archive in Marbach am Neckar. A directory. Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, Marbach 1983 (extended new edition in two volumes: 1999)
- The Marbach Collegienhaus . With contributions by Eberhard Lämmert, Dieter Herrmann and Ulrich Ott, 2nd reviewed edition, Marbach 1993, ISBN 3-929146-15-0 .
- Bernhard Zeller: Marbach Memorabilia - From the Schiller National Museum to the German Literature Archive 1953–1973 . Marbach 1995, ISBN 3-929146-35-5 .
- The German Literature Archive - Extension . With contributions by Eberhard Lämmert, Ulrich Ott, Jörg Kiefner and Wolfgang Lauber, Marbach 1995, ISBN 3-929146-37-1 .
- Marbach - Review of a Century 1895–1995 , with contributions by Otto K. Deutelmoser, Heinz Georg Keppler, Eberhard Lämmert, Ulrich Ott and Friedrich Pfäfflin, Marbacher Schriften 43, Marbach 1996, ISBN 3-933679-14-1 .
- Marbach: The whole is more than the sum of its parts. On the history of the Schiller National Museum and the German Literature Archive 1979–1999 . Marbacher Magazin Extra Edition, Marbach 1999, ISBN 3-933679-32-X .
- Bernhard Zeller: Marbacher Memorabilien II - From the museum and archive work 1972-1986 . Marbach 2000, ISBN 3-933679-50-8 .
- Marbach - Schillerhöhe. One hundred years of architecture for literature , with contributions by Heike Gfrereis, Ulrich Ott and Alexander Schwarz. Marbach 2003, ISBN 3-933679-90-7 .
- Paul Raabe : My Expressionist Decade - Beginning in Marbach am Neckar . Arche, Zurich and Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-7160-2328-0 .
- Frank Druffner, Martin Schalhorn: Gods plans and mouse shops. Schiller 1759-1805 . Marbach Catalog 58, Marbach 2005, ISBN 3-937384-11-1 .
- German Literature Archive Marbach (ed.): Thoughts and showpieces - The Modern Literature Museum . Marbach Catalog 60, Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, Marbach 2006, ISBN 3-937384-19-7 .
- Elisabeth Szymczyk: The German Literature Archive in Marbach. An old building and its extension . In: INSITU. Zeitschrift für Architekturgeschichte 3 (1/2011), pp. 133–142.
See also
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ Search - Berlin State Library. In: Retrieved October 4, 2017 .
- ↑ Press release from the German Literature Archive of October 30, 2009
- ↑ Jürgen Kaube: End of a lighthouse? March 8, 2012 , accessed March 9, 2012
- ^ German literature archive in Marbach becomes a cultural monument. Süddeutsche Zeitung , March 26, 2018, accessed on August 25, 2020 .
- ↑ ARD ( Memento of the original from November 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Kafka - The Last Trial, November 20, 2016, 10:40 a.m., 51 min., From min. 26, accessed on November 21, 2016
- ↑ Press release of the German Literature Archive from October 30, 2009
- ↑ About the project , query date: May 8, 2015.
- ^ NN: Marbach's literary archive is bursting at the seams. Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, June 21, 2019, accessed on June 22, 2019
- ↑ Jan Wiele In direct contact with Eternity in: FAZ February 16, 2019, page 13 (Sandra Richter introduced as the new director), accessed June 17, 2019
- ↑ Network literary experience launched, MPI empirical aesthetic website accessed June 17, 2019
- ^ German Literature Archive in Marbach acquires Gadamer estate , press release, May 2, 2004.
Coordinates: 48 ° 56 '9.7 " N , 9 ° 15' 23.9" E