Uwe Friesel

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Uwe Friesel (born February 10, 1939 in Braunschweig ), anagrammatic pseudonym Urs Wiefele , is a German writer .


Uwe Friesel is the son of a police officer. From 1952 to 1960 he attended the Bismarck-Gymnasium in Hanover . In 1956/57 a scholarship enabled him to stay in the USA, where he was a high school student in San Francisco . From 1961 to 1965 studied it German , English literature and philosophy at the University of Hamburg , however, broke this study from not finish. In 1965 he was a lecturer at Claassen-Verlag in Hamburg , 1967/68 audio dramaturg at Norddeutscher Rundfunk , 1970 chief dramaturgat the Freie Volksbühne in Berlin and in 1971 worked for the Berlin Grips Theater . From 1972 to 1978 he worked - together with Richard Hey , Hannelies Taschau and Uwe Timm - as publisher of the AutorEdition at Bertelsmann- Verlag.

He has been a freelance writer since 1979 . In September 1989 he was elected chairman of the Association of German Writers . He held this office until 1994. During this time, Friesel was confronted both with a wave of withdrawals from the VS after it had recently joined the IG Medien and with the problem of the politically burdened members of the GDR Writers' Association joining the all-German VS from 1990 onwards. Friesel is a co-founder of the two international ones UNESCO literary centers in Visby Baltic Center 1993 and Rhodes IWTCR 1996.

After years in Italy and Sweden, he now lives in Salzwedel . His son Jan from his first marriage to the illustrator and children's book author Ursula Kirchberg , portrayed in the youth book Jeden Tag Spaghetti - Zelten mit Vater (1989), is an IT engineer in Hamburg.

Uwe Friesel is a member of the PEN Center Germany .


Uwe Friesel is the author of novels , books for children and young people and radio plays . Since the 1980s, he has emerged primarily with socially critical crime novels . He has also translated a number of works from English.

Awards and honors


  • Uwe Friesel: Heinz Kiessling: Lines in time. Hanover 1963.
  • Uwe Friesel: Sunspots. Hamburg 1965.
  • Uwe Friesel: Józef Wilkoń: Little Mr. Timm and the Magic Flute Tirlili. Cologne 1970.
  • Uwe Friesel: Walter Grab: Germany is not lost yet. Munich 1970.
  • Uwe Friesel: Volker Ludwig: The story of Trummi kaputt. Reinbek near Hamburg 1973.
  • Uwe Friesel: The Christbringer. Frankfurt am Main 1974.
  • Uwe Friesel: In the wrong place. Authors Edition, Munich 1978 (now at JMB ), ISBN 978-3-940970-52-7 .
  • Uwe Friesel: Love lies deeper, somewhere. Hamburg 1980.
  • Uwe Friesel: Spaghetti every day. Reinbek near Hamburg 1983.
  • Uwe Friesel: Lauenburg Connection. Munich 1983.
  • Uwe Friesel: His first free fall. Munich 1983, (new at JMB 2013, ISBN 978-3-940970-53-4 )
  • Uwe Friesel: Upright downstream. Munich 1984.
  • Uwe Friesel: Mirrored. Munich 1984.
  • Uwe Friesel: Eternal in Rome or futile attempts to land in Berlin. Postscript, Hannover 1985 (now at JMB), ISBN 978-3-940970-50-3 .
  • Uwe Friesel: In the shadow of the lion. Bertelsmann, Munich 1987 (now at JMB), ISBN 978-3-940970-51-0 .
  • Uwe Friesel: The yellow poison. Munich 1988.
  • Uwe Friesel: once @ now. Revonnah, Hannover 2001. ISBN 3-934818-36-6 .
  • Uwe Friesel: blood for iron. Nymphenburger, Munich 2005. ISBN 3-485-01040-5 .
  • Uwe Friesel: The animal circus . Gerstenberg , Hildesheim 2006 (now at JMB), ISBN 978-3-940970-54-1
  • Uwe Friesel: Richard Hey : gold eye music. Leda, Leer 2008, ISBN 978-3-934927-74-2 .
  • Uwe Friesel: The muscle animals. JMB, Hannover 2011, ISBN 978-3-940970-55-8 .
  • Uwe Friesel: Between all the chairs or should you keep your mouth shut at Krähwinkel? JMB, Hannover 2015, ISBN 978-3-944342-75-7


  • Uwe Friesel, Uwe Timm : Free time. Munich 1973.
  • Uwe Friesel: Letters from Terra. Reinbek near Hamburg 1977.
  • Uwe Friesel, Hannelies Taschau : Childhood Stories . Königstein / Taunus 1979.
  • Uwe Friesel: The Syndicate. Munich 1991.
  • Uwe Friesel: Writing from the labyrinth. Goettingen 1995.
  • Uwe Friesel: Two realities simultaneously. Stockholm 2000.


  • Richard Adams : The girl on the swing. Munich 1981.
  • Audrey Lilian Barker : Schwarzfahrt and after. Hamburg 1966.
  • Fredric Brown : Maicki Astromaus. Cologne 1970.
  • Bernadette Devlin : Ireland: Religious War or Class Struggle ?. Reinbek near Hamburg 1969.
  • Clement Freud : Grimpel. Hamburg 1970 (together with Carola Mendler).
  • Richard Hughes : Gertrude and the mermaid. Cologne 1971 (together with Dörthe Marggraf).
  • Ben Jonson : Volpone. Frankfurt am Main 1978.
  • Edward Lear : The Story of the Seven Families from Pippel-Poppel-See. Munich 1973.
  • Vladimir Nabokov : Ada or The Desire . Reinbek near Hamburg 1974 (together with Marianne Therstappen).
  • Vladimir Nabokov: Pale fire . Reinbek near Hamburg 1968.
  • Vladimir Nabokov: Look at the harlequins! Reinbek near Hamburg 1979.
  • Gregor von Rezzori : A stranger in Lolitaland. Hildesheim 1993.
  • Stephen Schneck : The night porter or his completely true confession. Reinbek near Hamburg 1966.
  • John Updike : The Witches of Eastwick. Reinbek near Hamburg 1985 (together with Maria Carlsson and Monica Michieli).
  • John Updike: Jump !. Reinbek near Hamburg 1990.
  • John Updike: The Orphaned Swimming Pool. Reinbek near Hamburg 1987.
  • Tom Wolfe : Radical Chic and Mau Mau at the Welfare Agency. Reinbek near Hamburg 1972 (together with Mark W. Rien).

Web links