Nicolas Born Prize

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Award 2011 to Peter Waterhouse by the Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture Johanna Wanka in the Künstlerhaus Hannover

The Nicolas Born Prize of the State of Lower Saxony is a literary prize that has been awarded in honor of the writer Nicolas Born since 2000 . It honors outstanding German-speaking authors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The award is made by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture .


The awards are made on the recommendation of a specialist commission. They are presented by the Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture. The award winners were honored in various locations in Lower Saxony and in 2015 in Berlin.

The award emerged from the former Lower Saxony art prize for literature , which has been awarded since 1979. This initially consisted of scholarships for recognized writers and grants for young writers, until the awarding of the main prize with 15,000 euros and the advancement award with 10,000 euros from 1995 onwards.

In 2014, the Nicolas Born Prize was suspended due to its realignment. Until then, the award “outstanding writers related to Lower Saxony” had been awarded. The main prize has been endowed with 20,000 euros since 2015. The advancement award, which is endowed with 10,000 euros and has been called the Debut Prize since 2015 , is awarded to authors who are at the beginning of their literary work. Since 2019, the award has been presented every two years, alternating with the newly created Walter Kempowski Prize for Biographical Literature .

Artist grants and art prize of the state of Lower Saxony for literature 1979 to 1999

Prize winners from 2000

Handover of the 2011 sponsorship award to Sabrina Janesch


In addition to the Nicolas Born Prize, the state of Lower Saxony awards prizes for music ( Praetorius Music Prize ) and fine arts ( Lower Saxony Art Prize ) with their respective sponsorship prizes, as well as the Lower Saxony State Prize .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Press release Nicolas Born Prize gets a new face from January 28, 2015
  2. Nicolas Born Prize for Lukas Bärfuss ( memento from October 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) at from July 31, 2015
  3. Press release of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture from July 31, 2015
  4. Born Prize 2016 goes to Ulrike Draesner at on July 25, 2016
  5. Franzobel and Julia Wolf awarded ,, August 9, 2017, accessed on August 9, 2017
  6. Lower Saxony Literature Prize 2017 Press release from the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture from August 9, 2017
  7. ^ Nicolas Born Prize for Christoph Ransmayr ,, published and accessed on October 17, 2018