Paul Celan

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Paul Celan at the age of 18 (passport photo, 1938)
Paul Celan signature.jpg

Paul Celan [ paʊl ˈtselan ] (born  November 23, 1920 in Chernivtsi , Greater Romania (now Ukraine ), † probably April 20, 1970 in Paris ) was a German-language poet. His name was originally Paul Antschel, later Romanized Ancel, from which the anagram Celan arose.

Paul Celan is considered one of the most important German-speaking poets of the 20th century. His work is shaped by the reflection on the possibility of language and communication in general and by the processing of borderline experiences, especially the experience of the Holocaust (for example in the famous poem Death Fugue ). Celan's work shows a development from traditional poetry forms to a later phase, which is characterized by a "breathless silence of silence in the word that has become cryptic".


Paul Celan was born in Chernivtsi, the capital of Bukovina , then northern Romania, into a German-speaking Jewish family. He was the only son of Leo Antschel-Teitler (* 1890 in Schipenitz near Czernowitz) and his wife Friederike (nickname: "Fritzi") born. Schrager (* 1895 in Sadagora ); first apartment on Wassilkogasse in Chernivtsi.

Celan attended first the German, then the Hebrew elementary school, five years the Romanian state high school (the former Imperial and Royal Higher School in Chernivtsi ) and the Ukrainian state high school until graduation on June 3, 1938. He began to study medicine in the same year tours , but returned after a year after Romania back to where Romance languages to study. In mid-1940, northern Bukovina and thus Celan's hometown of Chernivtsi was occupied by the Soviet Union . Celan was initially able to continue his studies. But when 1,941 Romanian and German troops occupied Czernowitz, the Jews were in the local ghetto forced from where Celan's parents in June 1942, first in a quarry and then in the forced labor camp Michailowka far from Haisyn deported were. His father died of typhus there a few months later , and his mother was killed by an SS man . The deportation and the death of his parents left deep marks on Paul Celan. He suffered for the rest of his life feeling that he had abandoned his parents. There are numerous references to this trauma of survival guilt in his poems .

On the advice of his friend Ruth Lackner , Celan signed up for labor in July 1942 in order to avoid the threatened deportation. He was then held in the Tăbărăşti labor camp not far from Buzău until it was dissolved in February 1944 and, with a few interruptions, during which he returned to the Chernivtsi ghetto, had to do forced labor in road construction. After the capture of Chernivtsi by the Red Army in August 1944, Celan returned to Chernivtsi in December 1944 and resumed his studies. In 1945 Celan moved to Bucharest and continued studying there. He later worked there as a translator and editor. In 1947 he fled to Vienna via Hungary and moved to Paris in 1948. In the same year, his first volume of poetry appeared in Vienna with The Sand from the Urns , the entire edition of which, however, he had crushed due to numerous typographical errors.

In May 1948 Celan met Ingeborg Bachmann in Vienna , with whom he had a love affair at the end of the forties and the beginning of the fifties, which was resumed in Paris from October 1957 to May 1958. This relationship is confirmed by Celan's diaries and the posthumously published correspondence between Bachmann and Celan. Your correspondence is archived in the German Literature Archive (Celan) and in the Austrian National Library (Bachmann). The correspondence appeared in August 2008 under the title Herzzeit in Suhrkamp Verlag. Paul Celan's poem Corona and many others from the collection of poems Mohn und Gedächtnis were addressed to Ingeborg Bachmann. In Paris, in November 1951, Celan met the artist Gisèle Lestrange , whom he married a year later and who worked with him artistically at times (e.g. etchings for the breath crystal cycle of poems in 1965 ). In 1952, the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt in Stuttgart published his volume of poems Mohn und Gedächtnis with the much acclaimed poem Death Fugue , which addresses the murder of European Jews by the National Socialists. In 1955 Celan received citizenship of the Republic of France. In 1955 his son Eric (anagram to “écris!” (Without the silent “s”), French for “write!”) Was born after his wife Gisèle had lost a child two years earlier.

In the 1950s, Celan began to grapple with Heidegger's philosophy and, conversely, Heidegger read Celan's works. Celan was taken with the great importance Heidegger attached to poetry in his philosophy. In addition, the two shared a lively interest in Holderlin . They met on July 24, 1967 in Freiburg and the day after went on a trip to Heidegger's hut in Todtnauberg . Todtnauberg also became the title of a poem that Celan wrote on August 1, 1967. Further visits followed and there was an exchange of letters. Celan's relationship with Heidegger was ambivalent, but friendly.

In 1960 the serious, unfounded allegations of plagiarism of Claire Goll , the widow of the Jewish poet Yvan Goll , with whom Celan had been friends and for whom he had translated poetry, intensified . In 1954 Celan had published the poem In the guise of a boar , which begins with the words: "In the shape of a boar / your dream stomps through the woods on the edge / in the evening." In 1953 Goll wrote in a poem: "The boar with the magical Triangular head / You stamp through my rotting dreams. ”The literary critic Curt Hohoff had drawn attention to the similarity of both verses in 1956 and interpreted them as evidence of Celan's epigonality . Claire Goll even saw it as plagiarism. The subsequent "Goll Affair" was lively discussed in the German feature pages, sometimes with anti-Semitic undertones. The injuries Celan sustained from the allegations made against him haunted him for the rest of his life.

Celan was admitted to psychiatric clinics several times, once - from November 28, 1965 to June 11, 1966 - because in a state of madness he wanted to kill his wife with a knife. In November 1967, he and his wife decided to live separately from each other. But they stayed in touch.

In December 1967 Celan traveled to West Berlin , where he visited the Plötzensee memorial and a Christmas market. He also wrote the poem DU LIEGST in the great Gelausche , which recalls the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Berlin in 1919.

In October 1969, a few months before his death, Celan made his only trip to Jerusalem . He met Gershom Scholem , among others, and during readings he met old friends from Bukovina and Israeli poets such as Jehuda Amichai and David Rokeah . The focus was on reuniting with his childhood friend Ilana Shmueli , who came from Chernivtsi . Carried by numerous biblical allusions, the poems, which were created in the tradition of Jewish Jerusalem poems, combine the courtship for Jerusalem with erotic eulogies to his beloved. Evidence of these encounters are her correspondence, the memoirs of Ilana Shmueli under the title Say that Jerusalem is and the poems of Celan, which were included in the Zeithöft estate volume after his death . They are regarded as evidence of "Celan's difficult confrontation with his Judaism".

The circumstances and date of Celan's death are not clear. He is believed to have committed suicide on April 20, 1970 by throwing himself into the Seine at the Pont Mirabeau in Paris . Celan's body was recovered from the Seine on May 1, 1970 ten kilometers downstream near Courbevoie . He was buried on May 12, 1970 on the Cimetière parisien de Thiais in the Val-de-Marne department . On that day, Nelly Sachs , with whom he was on friendly terms, died.

In 1988 the German Literature Fund donated the Paul Celan Prize for outstanding translator work in honor of the translator who did the work .

Celan and the group 47

One of the first public appearances of the then largely unknown Paul Celan took place in May 1952 at the Group 47 conference in Niendorf . The reading came about through the mediation of the Viennese friends Ingeborg Bachmann , Milo Dor and Reinhard Federmann , but it was a failure. Already Milo Dor's letter to Hans Werner Richter to invite Celan "absolutely" - "I know what you think of his poems, but I believe that there are only a few lyricists who have his musicality and his formative power" - left in advance (1951) recognize the negative attitude of the founder of the group and convinced realist judges.

Walter Jens remembered Celan's reading in a conversation with Heinz Ludwig Arnold in 1976 : “When Celan appeared for the first time, they said: 'Hardly anyone can hear that!' He read very pathetically . We laughed at it, 'He reads like Goebbels !' Said one. [...] The death fugue was a failure in the group! That was a completely different world, the neorealists couldn't keep up . " Hans Weigel added," that afterwards some colleagues scornfully chanted: ' Black milk of the morning  ...' "and that Hans Werner Richter was of the opinion Celan I read "in a chant like in a synagogue ". Celan himself commented in a letter to his wife Gisèle: "Those who do not like poetry - they were in the plural - rebelled."

Looking back, Toni Richter gave an assessment of the events in her documentation: “The saddest event was Paul Celan's reading, a misunderstanding that was due to the nature of his lecture. I think none of the returnees from the war in the group knew the name and fate of Paul Celan, nor had they heard of the tradition of Jewish-Romanian poetry recitation in a rhythmically high tone. The question of style, 'Littérature pure' or 'engagée', was pointless. Celan asked in the room whether Rimbaud was unknown here, who also resolved verses into musical vibrations. ”At least during the reading, the chief editor of the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt became aware of Celan, who published Mohn und Gedächtnis in December . Ernst Schnabel organized a reading in the NWDR after the conference . Despite subsequent invitations, Celan did not attend any of the Group 47 meetings.

Pronunciation of the name

Across Ernst Schnabel ( NDR ) was Celan pronunciation guide, "that I did not utter my name French, but t s e l a n, ie without nasal sound at the end, and emphasis on the first syllable." According to Brigitta Eisenreich, whom Celan met in Paris in 1952, the emphasis “at some point slipped onto the second syllable”. She recommends “to make home again” the stress Celan himself used on the first syllable.

In Romanian, the name is pronounced like Tschelan (analogous to Antschel).


Celan's estate is in the German Literature Archive in Marbach . Parts of it can be seen in the permanent exhibition in the Museum of Modern Literature in Marbach, especially the typescript of the death fugue .

Celan's world literary significance

Memorial plaque in Chernivtsi (2011)

In the overview of the Celan handbook on international Celan reception, Celan is referred to as one of the “most intensely perceived poets of German-language world literature”, similar to Goethe , Hölderlin or Kafka . According to Wolfgang Emmerich , he and a few authors such as Primo Levi , Nelly Sachs and Imre Kertész have “been internationally outstanding for the possibility of poetry in the 'face of the Shoah ' for 50 years now ”. This applies to both his lyrics and his poetics. His "almost unique effect in world literary terms" consists in the fact that he " writes in a language that has" passed through the atrocities of mass murder "without" ever attaching to the illusion of writing about " Auschwitz and the millions of victims using the means of image realism can".



  • The sand from the urns , Vienna 1948 (contains the first printing of the German Death Fugue ), in the fall of 1948 on Celan's request because of numerous printing errors and improper illustrations by Edgar Jené makuliert
  • Mohn und Gedächtnis , Stuttgart 1952; 2000 with an afterword by Joachim Seng, ISBN 3-421-05223-9 .
  • From threshold to threshold , 1955.
  • Speech grid , 1959.
  • The Meridian , 1961 (speech on the occasion of the award of the Georg Büchner Prize 1960)
  • The No Man's Rose , 1963.
  • Breathturn , 1967.
  • Fadensonnen , 1968.
  • Lichtzwang , 1970.
  • Schneepart (estate), 1971.
  • Zeithöft (estate), 1976.
  • Collected works in five volumes , ed. by Beda Allemann, Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 1983.
  • The early work , ed. by Barbara Wiedemann, Supplement 1 to the Collected Works, Frankfurt a. M. 1989.
  • Darkened and poems from the circle of Darkened . Edited by Bertrand Badiou and Jean-Claude Rambach (estate), Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1991, ISBN 3-518-40374-5 .
  • The poems from the estate , ed. by Bertrand Badiou, Supplementary Volume 2 to the Collected Works, Frankfurt a. M. 1997.
  • Works in seven volumes , (paperback reprint of the collected works with supplement volumes ), Frankfurt am Main (Suhrkamp) 2000.
  • The poems - annotated complete edition in one volume , ed. and commented on by Barbara Wiedemann, Frankfurt am Main (Suhrkamp) 2003, ISBN 3-518-41390-2 ; TB edition: 2005, ISBN 3-518-45665-2 .
    • The poems. New annotated complete edition. With the accompanying etchings by Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Edited and commented by Barbara Wiedemann, Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-518-42797-2 .
  • Paul Celan: “It's microliths, little stones.” The prose from the estate. Critical Edition, ed. and annotated by Barbara Wiedemann and Bertrand Badiou, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-518-41706-1 .
  • Klaus Reichert: Paul Celan. Memories and letters. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2020, ISBN 978-3-518-42926-6 .

Aribert Reimann set many of Celan's poems to music. Matthias Bonitz set some of Celan's poems to music.


Celan's birthplace in Chernivtsi. He lived here with his family for 13 years in a very confined space in the basement by the back garden (today an asphalt courtyard) (2011)
Celan's grave in Thiais (2008)
German-language Celan poem in Leiden (2008)

Alphabetical list of Celan delegated authors

Letters and correspondence

  • Paul Celan - Nelly Sachs . Correspondence. Edited by Barbara Wiedemann, Frankfurt 1993.
  • Paul Celan - Franz Wurm . Correspondence. Edited by Barbara Wiedemann in connection with Franz Wurm, Frankfurt 1995.
  • Paul Celan to Gisela Dischner . Letters from the years 1965 to 1970. Ed. Jens Runkehl and Torsten Siever, private publisher, Hanover 1996.
  • Paul Celan - Erich Einhorn: "Unicorn: you know about the stones ..." Correspondence, Berlin 1999.
  • Paul Celan - Gisèle Celan-Lestrange . Correspondence. With a selection of letters from Paul Celan to his son Eric. From the French by Eugen Helmlé, ed. and annotated by Bertrand Badiou in conjunction with Eric Celan, annotations translated and edited for the German edition by Barbara Wiedemann. Volume 1: The Letters. Second volume: Commentary, Frankfurt / Main 2001.
  • Paul Celan - Hanne and Hermann Lenz . Correspondence. Edited by Barbara Wiedemann in conjunction with Hanne Lenz, Frankfurt / Main 2001.
  • Paul Celan: “You must try to hear those who are silent too.” Letters to Diet Kloos-Barendregt. Handwriting - Edition - Commentary, Ed. Paul Sars with the assistance of Laurent Sprooten, Frankfurt 2002.
  • Paul Celan - Rudolf Hirsch. Correspondence. Edited by Joachim Seng, Frankfurt 2004. ISBN 3-518-41644-8 .
  • Paul Celan - Ilana Shmueli . Correspondence. Ed. Ilana Shmueli and Thomas Sparr, Frankfurt 2004. ISBN 3-518-41596-4 .
  • Paul Celan - Peter Szondi . Correspondence. With letters from Gisèle Celan-Lestrange to Peter Szondi and excerpts from the correspondence between Peter Szondi and Jean and Mayotte Bollack , ed. by Christoph König. Frankfurt / Main 2005, ISBN 3-518-41714-2 .
  • Ingeborg Bachmann - Paul Celan: Herzzeit. Correspondence. Eds. Bertrand Badiou, Hans Höller , Andrea Stoll , Barbara Wiedemann. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 2008, ISBN 978-3-518-42033-1 .
  • Paul Celan, Klaus Demus , Nani Demus: Correspondence. Additionally: Selection from the correspondence between Gisèle Celan-Lestrange and Klaus & Nani Demus. Ed. Joachim Seng. With picture part. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp 2009. ISBN 978-3-518-42122-2 .
  • Paul Celan - Gustav Chomed: “I need your letters.” The correspondence. Edited by Barbara Wiedemann and Jürgen Köchel. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-518-42086-7
  • Amy-Diana Colin, Edith Silbermann (ed.): Paul Celan - Edith Silbermann. Certificates of friendship. Poems, correspondence, memories. With CD-ROM. Wilhelm Fink, Munich 2010. ISBN 978-3-7705-4842-2 .
  • Paul Celan. Correspondence with friends from the Rhineland: Heinrich Böll , Paul Schallück , Rolf Schroers . Edited by Barbara Wiedemann. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2011. ISBN 978-3-518-42257-1 .
  • Paul Celan - Gisela Dischner: As if from a great distance to you. Correspondence. Edited and commented by Barbara Wiedemann in conjunction with Gisela Dischner . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-518-42338-7 .
  • Paul Celan - René Char: Correspondance (1954–1968); Correspondance René Char - Gisèle Celan-Lestrange (1969–1977) . Edition établie, présentée et annotée by Bertrand Badiou. Gallimard, Paris 2015.
  • Arno Barnert, Chiara Caradonna, Annika Stello: In the realm of the middle demons. Paul Celan in Freiburg and his correspondence with Gerhart Baumann . , Text. Critical contributions, issue 15. With an audio CD. Publishing house Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Frankfurt am Main 2016.
  • "Something completely personal". Letters 1934-1970. Selected, edited and commented by Barbara Wiedemann. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-518-42888-7 ( The edition also contains the newly found letters from Hannelore Hoelzmann (= Hannele) )

See also


  • Celan yearbook . Ed. By Hans-Michael Speier , No. 1–10 (1987–2018), appears at irregular intervals and for more than 30 years has contained representative research articles, current bibliographies, primary texts, etc .; since 2018 (= yearbook No. 10) published by Königshausen & Neumann; to be continued.
  • Peter Horst Neumann : On the poetry of Paul Celans. An introduction . V&R, Göttingen 1968; 2nd edition 1990 ISBN 3-525-33567-9 .
  • Franz Büchler : In memory of Paul Celan . In: Neue Rundschau , Volume 81, H. 3. S. Fischer, Berlin 1970, pp. 628–634.
  • Peter Szondi : Celan Studies . Edited by Jean Bollack with Henriette Beese, Wolfgang Fietkau, Hans-Hagen Hildebrandt, Gert Mattenklott, Senta Metz, Helen Stierlin. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1972.
  • Dietlind Meinecke (Ed.): About Paul Celan . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1973.
  • Marlies Janz : On the commitment of absolute poetry. On the poetry and aesthetics of Paul Celan . (Diss. Phil. FU Berlin 1974). Syndicate, Frankfurt am Main 1976, ISBN 3-8108-0014-7 . Unchanged reprint of the 1st edition: Athenäum Verlag , Königstein / Taunus 1984, ISBN 3-7610-8305-X . Further Celan essays by Marlies Janz u. a. in Celan Yearbooks No. 7-10 (1999-2018).
  • Paul Celan Focus issue of text and criticism . Issue 53/54, Munich 1977.
  • Israel Chalfen: Paul Celan. A biography of his youth. Insel, Frankfurt 1979.
  • Winfried Menninghaus: Paul Celan. Magic of form . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1980.
  • Karsten Hvidfelt Nielsen & Harald Pors: Index to Paul Celan's poetry . Fink, Munich 1981.
  • Gerhart Baumann : Memories of Paul Celan . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1986.
  • Hans-Georg Gadamer : Who am I and who are you? A comment on Paul Celan's series of poems "Breath crystal" . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1986.
  • Otto Pöggeler : Trace of the Word. On the poetry of Paul Celan . Alber, Freiburg 1986, ISBN 3-495-47607-5 .
  • Andreas Luther: "Writing a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric ..." - on the possibility of poetry after Auschwitz using the example of Paul Celan . 1987, DNB 871276194 (Dissertation FU Berlin 1987, 422 pages).
  • Werner Hamacher & Winfried Menninghaus (eds.): Paul Celan . Series: Materials, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1988.
  • Harald Pors: Declining word index on Paul Celan's poetry . Wilhelm Fink, Munich 1989.
  • Rike Felka: Psychic writing. Freud-Derrida-Celan. Turia and Kant, Berlin-Vienna 1991, ISBN 3-85132-014-X .
  • Richard Reschika: Poetry and Apocalypse. Paul Celan's "Jerusalem Poems" from the estate volume "Zeithöft". Centaurus, Pfaffenweiler 1991, ISBN 3-89085-571-7 .
  • Edith Silbermann: Meeting with Paul Celan. Memory and interpretation . 2nd Edition. Rimbaud, Aachen 1995, ISBN 3-89086-884-3 .
  • John Felstiner: Paul Celan. A biography CH Beck, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-406-42285-3 .
  • Stéphane Mosès : P. Celan's Inscription of Annihilation . In: The exodus from Nazi Germany and the consequences. Jewish scientists in exile. Edited by Marianne Hassler, Attempto, Tübingen 1997, ISBN 3-89308-265-4 .
  • Oliver Wieters: The dream of silence. Paul Celan's early work (1948) on the surrealist painter Edgar Jené . Tübingen 1997, online text .
  • Bernhard Böschenstein , Sigrid Weigel (eds.): Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan. Poetic correspondence. Fourteen articles Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1997; again in 2000.
  • Thomas Schestag: Mantis relics . Blanchot , Fabre , Celan. Urs Engeler, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-905591-06-5
  • Wolfgang Emmerich : Paul Celan Rowohlt, Reinbek 1999, ISBN 3-499-50397-2 .
  • Jean Firges : “Scattered from the East, to be brought in in the West.” Jewish mysticism in Paul Celan's poetry. Sonnenberg, Annweiler 1999, ISBN 3-933264-01-4 .
  • Jean Firges: “ I cross the Acheron .” Introduction to the poetry of Paul Celan. Four motifs: the journey, death, dream, melancholy. 2nd Edition. Stauffenburg, Tübingen 1999, ISBN 3-86057-067-6 .
  • Jean Bollack: Paul Celan. Poetics of Strangeness . Translated from Werner Wögerbauer. Zsolnay, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-552-04976-2 .
  • Andrei Corbea-Hoișie : Paul Celan. Biography and interpretation Bucharest & Konstanz 2000, ISBN 3-89649-578-X .
  • Barbara Wiedemann: Paul Celan. The Goll affair. Documents on an "infamy" . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 2000, ISBN 3-518-41178-0 .
  • Albrecht Schöne : Poetry as a hidden theology. An attempt at an exegesis of Paul Celan's “One who stood at the door”. Göttinger Sudelblätter, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2000, ISBN 3-89244-431-5 .
  • Jean Firges: Paul Celan: The Two Doors of the World. Poetry interpretations . Sonnenberg, Annweiler 2001, ISBN 978-3-933264-06-0 (see dsb. 1999 and 2010).
  • Roland Reuss : In the Zeithof. Celan provocations . Stroemfeld / Roter Stern, Frankfurt 2001, ISBN 3-87877-777-9 .
  • Marcus G. Patka , Peter Goßens (ed.): “Displaced”: Paul Celan in Vienna 1947–1948. [On the occasion of the exhibition “Displaced. Paul Celan in Vienna 1947–1948 ”in the Jewish Museum Vienna, November 14, 2001 to February 24, 2002] . Commissioned by the Jewish Museum Vienna. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2001, ISBN 3-518-41273-6 .
  • Marie-Hélène Quéval u. a. (Ed.): Paul Celan: The No Man's Rose . Lectures d'une oeuvre . Ed. du Temps, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-84274-205-2 (French).
  • Anja Lemke: Constellation without stars. On the poetic and historical turning point with Martin Heidegger and Paul Celan. Wilhelm Fink, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7705-3755-6 .
  • Hans-Michael Speier (Ed.): Poems by Paul Celan. Interpretations. Reclam, Stuttgart 2002.
  • Martin A. Hainz : masks of ambiguity. Celan readings with Adorno , Szondi and Derrida . Series: Studies on Austrian literature of the 20th century , 15th 2nd edition. Braumüller, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-7003-1373-X .
  • Theo Buck : Celan writes to Jünger . Rimbaud, Aachen 2005, ISBN 3-89086-634-4 (series: Celan studies, 7).
  • Jürgen Lehmann (Ed.): Commentary on Paul Celan's 'Sprachgitter' . Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 2005, ISBN 3-8253-5136-X , review at .
  • Robert Kleindienst : At death! Lively! Paul Celan in the context of Roland Barthes' authoring concept. A poetological confrontation . Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2006, ISBN 3-8260-3329-9 .
  • Sandro Zanetti : “timeless.” On Paul Celan's chronography . Wilhelm Fink, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-7705-4300-9 .
  • “If you walk on your head, you have the sky as an abyss.” Résonances, Paul Celan, poetry, Rütjer, painting . An exhibition by the Heinrich Heine Institute and the Institut Français , 2001, ISBN 3-9807575-3-6 .
  • Myron Hurna: Modernity in Paul Celan's Poetry. The poetological status of his poems. Sonnenberg, Annweiler 2006, ISBN 3-933264-40-5 .
  • Karl-Josef Kuschel: "Tübingen, January": Paul Celan, Walter Jens and the difficulties of a Jewish-German encounter in: Sönke Lorenz, Volker Schäfer Ed .: Tubingensia: Impulses for the history of the city and the university. Festschrift for Wilfried Setzler, Jan Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3-7995-5510-4 , pp. 621–642.
  • Markus May, Peter Goßens and Jürgen Lehmann (eds.): Celan manual. Life, work, effect. JB Metzler, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-476-02063-5 .
    • Markus May, Peter Goßens, Jürgen Lehmann (eds.): Celan manual. Life, work, effect. Second, updated and expanded edition. JB Metzler, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02441-1 . ( Due to the changed material situation, a greatly expanded edition with partly new authors and articles. )
  • Martin A. Hainz: Paul Celan: Thread suns, shine and cross. Kovac, Hamburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-8300-4605-9 .
  • Gernot Wolfram : Paul Celan: 1920–1970, the poet of the other. Edited by Hermann Simon. New Synagogue Foundation Berlin, Center Judaicum , Hentrich & Hentrich, Teetz / Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-941450-07-3 (= Jewish miniatures, spectrum of Jewish life . Volume 90).
  • Jean Firges: Büchner , Lenz , Celan: The walk through the mountains. Conversation in the mountains. Exemplary series literature and philosophy, 29. Sonnenberg, Annweiler 2010, ISBN 978-3-933264-58-9 .
  • Arnau Pons: Before morning. Bachmann and Celan. The love in the face of the murders . Culture & ghosts. Issue No. 10, 2010.
  • Brigitta Eisenreich: Celan's chalk star. A report. With letters and other unpublished documents. With the participation of Bertrand Badiou. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-518-42147-5 .
  • Werner Wögerbauer: The face of the righteous. Paul Celan visits Friedrich Dürrenmatt . Culture & Ghosts, No. 10, 2010, ISBN 978-3-938801-73-4 .
  • Myron Hurna: Introduction to the Lyric and Poetics of Paul Celan . Athena, Oberhausen 2011, ISBN 978-3-89896-462-3 .
  • Jean Firges: Black Sun Sadness . The melancholy as creative and destructive force in life and poetry of Paul Celan. Sonnenberg, Annweiler 2011 ISBN 978-3-933264-67-1
  • Ralf Willms : The motif of the wound in the lyric work of Paul Celan. Historical-systematic studies on the poetics of the victim . Dissertation from the Fernuniversität Hagen , 2011; AVM-Verlag, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-86924-093-0 .
  • Peter Horn : The yarns of the fishermen of the Irrsee. On the poetry of Paul Celan. Athena Verlag, Oberhausen 2011. ISBN 978-3-89896-420-3 .
  • Axel Englund: Still Songs. Music In and Around the Poetry of Paul Celan . Ashgate, Farnham 2012, ISBN 978-1-4094-2262-4 .
  • Jacques Derrida : Shibboleth. For Paul Celan . Translated from the French by Wolfgang Sebastian Baur. Passagen, Vienna 2012, 5th, revised edition, ISBN 978-3-7092-0032-2 .
  • Barbara Wiedemann: »A soft spot for Tübingen«. Paul Celan and Württemberg. Germany and Paul Celan . Klöpfer & Meyer, Tübingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-86351-072-5 .
  • Evelyn Dueck: L'étranger intimate. Les traductions françaises de l'oeuvre de Paul Celan (1971-2010). De Gruyter, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-11-034296-3 .
  • Frank König: In- depth being. Perception and physicality with Paul Celan and Maurice Merleau-Ponty . Universitätsverlag Winter , Heidelberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-8253-6299-7 .
  • Ruven Karr: Conversation with the dead. Trialogical structures in Paul Celan's poetry . Wehrhahn Verlag, Hannover 2015, ISBN 978-3-86525-430-6 . Dissertation at the University of Saarbrücken, 2014.
  • Bastian Reinert: Translating Memory: Acts of Testimony in Resnais, Cayrol, and Celan , in: Translating Holocaust Literature, ed. v. Peter Arnds. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2016, pp. 139–152.
  • Albrecht Rieder, Jorg Therstappen: "Sacrifice place of my hands" - Paul Celan's Paris poems . Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-8260-6092-2 .
  • Helmut Böttiger: We say dark things to each other. The love story between Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-421-04631-4 .
  • Wilfried Ihrig : About Paul Celan and. Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-7485-5229-1 .
  • Helmut Böttger: Celan's conflict. A Jewish poet and the German spirit. Galiani, Berlin 2020, ISBN 978-3-86971-212-3 .
  • Wolfgang Emmerich: Near strangers. Paul Celan and the Germans . Wallstein, Göttingen 2020, ISBN 978-3-8353-3606-3 .
  • Jože Strutz : Paul Celan. Boben čarovnika, glasen od groša mojega srca / The juggler's drum, loud from my heart egg. 28 poems / 28 pesmi, German and Slovenian / nemško-slovensko, translated into Slovenian by Jože Strutz , Edition Rapial edicija, Klagenfurt / Celovec 2020.
  • Thomas Sparr : Death fugue - biography of a poem. DVA, Munich 2020, ISBN 978-3-421-04787-8 .


Web links

Commons : Paul Celan  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Texts about Celan

Individual evidence

  1. See Comment 22 in: Paul Celan, Bertrand Badiou: Briefwechsel. Second volume: Commentary, Frankfurt 2001, p. 71
  2. Hans-Georg Gadamer: Who am I and who are you. Comment on Celan's “Breath Crystal”. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1986, p. 9.
  3. Source: Israel Chalfen: Paul Celan. A biography of his youth. Frankfurt a. M. 1979, Insel-Verlag
  4. Marion Tauschwitz : Selma Merbaum - I haven't had time to finish writing: biography and poems . zu Klampen Verlag, Springe 2014, ISBN 978-3-86674-404-2 .
  5. ^ A b Heinrich Stiehler: Black flakes. In: The time. October 27, 1995, accessed May 23, 2016 .
  6. John Felstiner: Paul Celan. A biography . CH Beck, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-61131-5 , p. 165 .
  7. Source: Christine Koschel in Ingeborg Bachmann - Paul Celan. Poetic correspondences , Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt 1997
  8. Between "grave frauds" and "Left Nibelungs". In: full text. Retrieved August 20, 2020 .
  9. ^ Rüdiger Safranski: A master from Germany. Heidegger and his time. Hanser Verlag, Munich 1994/2008 p. 466ff.
  10. ^ Ute Harbusch: Opposite translations . Paul Celan's Transfers of French Symbolists . Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2005, p. 46.
  11. Elke Schmitter : Also a Kassandra . In: Der Spiegel . No. 2 , January 5, 2019, p. 102-107 .
  12. ^ Barbara Wiedemann: Paul Celan - Die Gedichte - Annotated Complete Edition in one volume . Suhrkamp , Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-518-41390-2 , pp. 315 .
  13. Ilana Shmueli: Say that Jerusalem is. About Paul Celan, October 1969 - April 1970. Edition Isele, Eggingen 2000
  14. Shmueli, quoted from: Celan-Handbuch , p. 243.
  15. Quoted from Celan-Handbuch , p. 19
  16. ^ Heinz Ludwig Arnold : The group 47 . Rowohlt, Reinbek 2004, ISBN 3-499-50667-X , p. 76
  17. ^ Felstiner: Paul Celan. A biography , p. 98.
  18. ^ Arnold: Die Gruppe 47 , p. 77
  19. Toni Richter: The group 47 in pictures and text , Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1997, ISBN 3-462-02630-5 , p. 49.
  20. Paul Celan: Fugue of Death. With a comment by Theo Buck . 2nd Edition. Rimbaud, Aachen 2002. ISBN 3-89086-795-2 , p. 85.
  21. To Ernst Schnabel, February 23, 1964, quoted from the catalog Axel Gellhaus (Ed.): “Strange proximity.” Celan as translator . German Schiller Society, Marbach am Neckar 1997, p. 431.
  22. ^ Clementine Skorpil : Contradiction to Adorno. After a long silence, Paul Celan's former friend Brigitte Eisenreich talks about her time with the writer . In: Der Standard from December 24, 2010, supplement album , p. A 11
  23. Markus May, Peter Goßens and Jürgen Lehmann (eds.): Celan manual. Life, work, effect. Second, updated and expanded edition, JB Metzler, Stuttgart 2012, Chapter VII, 1.1–1.7, pp. 374–396.
  24. Wolfgang Emmerich: Poetry in the face of the Shoah . In: Celan Handbook. Life, work, effect. Second, updated and expanded edition, p. 399.
  25. The quote takes up the title of a publication by Amir Eshel: Time of caesura. Jewish poets in the face of the Shoah . Winter, Heidelberg 1999
  26. 1953–1989 sponsorship awards, honorary gifts  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed April 1, 2015)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  27. See Jean-Marie Winkler: Le dialogue des poétiques. Paul Celan, enseignant et traducteur. In: Études Germaniques 55: 3 (2000)
  28. In the intermediate world. Literature, Resistance, Exile , Zeitschrift der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft , Graz, 26th vol., H. 3/4 (Dec. 2009), ISSN  1606-4321, there are two very different reviews of this edition. The cultural historian Hermann Schreiber says in “Unequal Friends”, p. 75 f. That Celan has only measured the value of every relationship with him since the Claire Goll's manipulations (the so-called Goll affair) by the attitude to this polemic. "At the moment when he saw only enemies around him, serious mental disorders broke out in him." Claire Goll even used the death of both of his parents as an occasion for aggression against Celan. “Both Paul and Klaus did not know what an incurable wound in the heart of Claire Goll was the cause of her profound hatred […]: Goll had long since lost her Yvan when he died in Paris in 1950! The years 1931–1940 in his life had belonged to another woman and also his most wonderful poems, Les Chansons Malaises . ”When Claire Goll discovered her husband's love for this Paula Ludwig , she decided to thoroughly falsify her husband's estate as she did not dare to destroy him. The way to do this was to commission Celan to translate the songs. Schreiber gives the details of this translation, from which Goll, who only had the inside knowledge of the songs, then derived the plagiarism allegations. As a result, many of Celan's male friends became insecure, including K. Demus; only Ingeborg Bachmann acted resolutely against Goll. Incidentally, Schreiber thinks that the majority of the letters should have been shortened or combined. In the second review (p. 76 f.), Entitled “Breathless”, Richard Wall judged the role of K. Demus much more graciously. Wall emphasizes the close connection between the two men and sees the reason for the long break in Celan's letters to Demus as well as their entire alienation rather in Celan: "The mistrust has [...] become overpowering and also poisons the (this) relationship." Demus 'Advice to Celan to seek psychiatric treatment is correct, unlike Schreiber.
  29. With recognition whistle , in: FAZ of May 25, 2011, page 28
  30. Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 286 of December 11, 2019
  31. About Celan, Lichtzwang , in selection
  32. Brief excerpt and didactic question on Jean Firges' "Scattered from the east, to be brought in in the west", see web links
  33. See dsb. 1999, 2001, 2010, 2011 as well as his name article with the research focus Celan
  34. ^ Memories with letters and documents from a longtime lover of Celan's