Maurice Maeterlinck
Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck (born August 29, 1862 in Ghent , † May 6, 1949 in Nice ) was a Belgian writer and French-language playwright. The pronunciation of the surname is [ ma.tɛʁ.lɛ̃ ːk ] in Belgium and [ mɛ.teʁ.lɛ̃ ːk ] in France .
With his lyrical works and plays - including the play Pelléas et Mélisande - Maeterlinck is considered one of the most important representatives of symbolism . The focus of these works is often the human being in his helplessness against death. In 1911 Maeterlinck received the Nobel Prize for Literature .
Maurice Maeterlinck was born to wealthy French-speaking parents. During his student days he wrote poems and short stories, which he later destroyed and of which only fragments have survived. After completing his law studies, he lived in Paris for a few months , where he met some members of the new symbolic literary movement , including Stéphane Mallarmé and Villiers de l'Isle-Adam . In 1890 he became famous with his play La princesse Maleine .
The fairy tale drama Pelléas et Mélisande , composed in 1892 , was set to music several times, including 1902 as an opera by Claude Debussy (→ Pelléas et Mélisande ) and in 1954 as a ballet by Max Baumann .
From 1895 to 1918 he had a relationship with the singer Georgette Leblanc . In 1919 he married the French actress Renée Dahon (1893-1969). In 1926 he published La Vie des Termites , a blatant plagiarism of The Soul of the White Ant by the South African biologist and poet Eugène Marais (1871-1936). In 1930 he bought a castle in Nice , which he named Orlamonde from his Quinze Chansons . This house was run as the Hotel Palais Maeterlinck until March 2008 . In 1932 he was ennobled by the Belgian King Albert I and appointed count . In 1939 he emigrated to the USA , where he lived until 1947. He died in Nice in 1949.
Works (selection)

- Serres chaudes (1889)
- Douze chansons (1896, republished as Quinze chansons in 1900 )
- Le Trésor des humbles (1896, German Der Schatz der Armen , 1898)
- La Sagesse et la destinée (1898, German wisdom and fate , 1904)
- La vie des abeilles (1901, German Das Leben der Bees , 1901)
- L'Intelligence des fleurs (1907, German The intelligence of flowers )
- La mort (1913, German Vom Tode )
- L'hôte inconnu (1917, German The Foreign Guest )
- La vie des termites (1926, German Das Leben der Termiten )
- La vie des fourmis (1930, German The life of the ants )
- Avant le grand silence (1934, German Before the Great Silence )
Stage works
- La Princesse Maleine (1889, German Princess Maleine )
- L'Intruse (1890, Eng . The Intruder )
- Les Aveugles (1890, German The Blind )
- Les Sept Princesses (1891, Eng. The Seven Princesses )
- Pelléas et Mélisande (1892, German Pelleas and Melisande )
- Alladine et Palomides (1894, German Alladin and Palomides )
- L'Intérieur (1894)
- La Mort de Tintagiles (1894, German The Death of Tintagiles )
- Aglavaine et Sélysette (1896, German Aglavaine and Selysette )
- Sœur Béatrice (1901, German sister Beatrix )
- Ariane et Barbe-Bleue (1901, as libretto 1907, German Bluebeard and Ariane or the futile liberation )
- Monna Vanna (1902, German Monna Vanna )
- L'Oiseau bleu (1908, German The Blue Bird )
- Le Bourgmestre de Stilmonde (1918, German The Mayor of Stilmonde )
For the German reception Monty Jacobs wrote a monograph with the title Maeterlinck in 1901 , a critical study for the introduction to his works .
The translations for the German first editions published by Eugen Diederichs are by Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski .
German editions (selection)
First editions
- Wisdom and destiny . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1899
- Aglavaine and Selysette . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1900
- Bluebeard and Ariane or the futile liberation . In: Zwei Singspiele. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1901
- The life of the bees . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1901
- Sister Beatrix , based on an old monastery legend . In: Zwei Singspiele. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1901
- Pelleas and Melisande , Introduced by Twelve Songs. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1902
- Princess Maleine . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1902
- Monna Vanna . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1903
- Alladine and Palomides . In: Three mystical games. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1904
- The death of the Tintagiles . In: Three mystical games. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1904
- The seven princesses . In: Three mystical games. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1904
- Mary Magdalene . Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1909
- From death . Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1913
- Termite life . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Munich 1927
Newer editions
- The blue bird. Fairy tale game in 6 acts and 12 pictures . Sachon, Bad Wörishofen 1984 ISBN 3-923493-17-7
- The early pieces. 2 volumes. Edition text and criticism, Munich 1983 ISBN 3-88377-127-9 and ISBN 3-88377-128-7
- The life of the bees . Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1953
- Termite life . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1955
- The life of the termites and The life of the ants . From the series Nobel Prize in Literature . Coron, Zurich 1966 (and new edition 1980)
- Melisande's songs . Sachon, Mindelheim 1985 ISBN 3-923493-25-8
- Pelleas and Melisande . Reclam, Stuttgart 1972 ISBN 3-15-009427-5
- Prose and critical writings. 1886-1896 . Sachon, Bad Wörishofen 1983. ISBN 3-923493-03-7
- The treasure of the poor . Reprint of the 1898 edition. Diederichs, Düsseldorf and Cologne 1964
Incidental music
- 1898: Pelléas et Mélisande (incidental music) , incidental music by Gabriel Fauré
- 1905: Pelleas and Melisande (Schönberg) , symphonic poem by Arnold Schönberg
- 1905: Pelleas and Melisande (Suite) , orchestral suite from the incidental music by Jean Sibelius
- 1902: Pelléas et Mélisande , opera by Claude Debussy
- 1907: Ariane et Barbe-Bleue , opera by Paul Dukas
- 2019: Le silence des ombres , opera triptych by Benjamin Attahir
- 1954: Pélleas and Mélisande, ballet by Max Baumann
Radio plays
- 1924: Sister Beatrix. According to an old monastery legend - Production: Nordische Rundfunk AG ; Director: Not specified
Speaker: Not specified - 1925: Pelleas and Melisande - Production: Süddeutsche Rundfunk AG ; Director: Karl Köstlin
Speaker: Theodor Brandt , Helene Brandt-Schüle , Max Heye , Karl Köstlin, Elsa Pfeiffer and others - 1925: The Intruder (Drama) - Production: Nordische Rundfunk AG; Director: Ernst Pündter
Speaker: Ernst Pündter, Karl Pündter , Paul Ellmar , Käte Alving , Eva Förster , Edith Scholz and others - 1927: Aglavaine and Selysette (tragedy) - production: Südwestdeutscher Rundfunkdienst ; Director: Carl Stüber
Speaker: NN - 1950: The Intruder - Production: Bayerischer Rundfunk ; Direction: Helmut Brennicke
Speaker: Kurt Stieler , Hans Cossy , Adolf Ziegler , Sylva Pudor and Ingeborg Hoffmann - 1950: Breath of Doom - Production: Radio Saarbrücken ; Director: NN
Speaker: NN - 1951: Breath of Doom - Production: Bayerischer Rundfunk; Direction: Helmut Brennicke
Speaker: Hans Bouterwek , Adolf Ziegler, Rosemarie Lang and Elisabeth Goebel - 1977: The Blind - Production: Radio Bremen ; Editing and direction: Günter Bommert
Speaker: Bruno Hübner , Josef Schaper , Eduard Marks , Marga Maasberg , Hille Darjes and others - 1977: The Blue Bird - Production: Rundfunk der DDR ; Director: Rüdiger Show
speakers: Helga Sasse , Joachim Siebenschuh , Ruth Kommerell , Wolfgang Brunecker , Hans-Joachim Hanisch and Angelika Waller - 2008: Maeterlinck or echoes of a forgotten world. Selection (texts) - Production: Südwestrundfunk ; Editing and direction: Heinz von Cramer
Speaker: Mathias Kahler-Polagnoli , Donata Höffer , Christine Heiss , Reinhart Firchow , Ingrid van Bergen and others
- Mohammed Anâm: Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Maurice Maeterlinck. On the representation and reception of Maeterlinck's concept of death and theater aesthetics with Hugo von Hofmannsthal . Hochschul-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 1995 ISBN 3-8107-2257-X
- Stefan Gross (Ed.): Maurice Maeterlinck and the German-language literature. A documentation . Sachon, Mindelheim 1985 ISBN 3-923493-04-5
- Stefan Gross: Maurice Maeterlinck or the symbolic sadism of humor. Study of the early work with attached materials . Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1985 ISBN 3-8204-9019-1
- Monty Jacobs: Maeterlinck, a critical study introducing his works. Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig 1901
- Linn Bratteteig Konrad: Modern drama as crisis. The case of Maurice Maeterlinck . (English version). Berne, New York and Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1986 ISBN 0-8204-0222-2
- Hans W. Panthel: Rainer Maria Rilke and Maurice Maeterlinck . Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1973 ISBN 3-503-00741-5
- Hartmut Riemenschneider: The influence of Maurice Maeterlinck on German literature up to Expressionism . Dissertation. Aachen July 1, 1969, DNB 482425571 .
- Dirk Strohmann: The reception of Maurice Maeterlinck in the German-speaking countries (1891-1914). "European University Writings" series. Peter Lang, Bern 2006 ISBN 3-03910-855-7
- Beatrix Vedder: Maurice Maeterlinck's symbolist theater . Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 1978 ISBN 3-261-02275-2
Web links
- Literature by and about Maurice Maeterlinck in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by and about Maurice Maeterlinck in the German Digital Library
- Works by Maurice Maeterlinck in the Gutenberg-DE project
- Maurice Maeterlinck in the Internet Archive
- Newspaper article about Maurice Maeterlinck in the 20th century press kit of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics .
- Information from the Nobel Foundation on the 1911 award ceremony for Maurice Maeterlinck (English)
- Catalog raisonné
Individual evidence
- ^ Jean-Marie Pierret, Phonétique historique du français et notions de phonétique générale , 1994
- ↑ What remained unsuccessful
- ↑ The Scottish Art Nouveau artist Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh created a frieze for this mystical game in 1906 for Fritz Waerndorfer's music salon , which can be seen today at the MAK Vienna .
personal data | |
SURNAME | Maeterlinck, Maurice |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Maeterlinck, Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard (full name) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Belgian writer and French-language playwright |
DATE OF BIRTH | August 29, 1862 |
DATE OF DEATH | May 6, 1949 |
Place of death | Nice |