Günter Bommert

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Günter Bommert at a reading, "Literarisches Quartier", Bremen 2007

Günter Bommert (born July 13, 1925 in Bochum ; † November 29, 2014 in Bremen ) was a German radio play director and actor .

Live and act

Günter Bommert began as an actor and director, then went to radio and was from 1954 to 1990 editor, director, dramaturge, director and most recently head of the radio play department at Radio Bremen . As an author , he was mainly known for radio plays , limericks and other nonsense poems. After his retirement, he worked as an actor in feature films and in staged readings for the Literarisches Quartier group (LitQ) in Bremen.

Radio plays


  • Gardez. A rogue story in a dialogical manner. Radio Bremen. 1963.
  • Tune in or Giovanni's lust. Südwestfunk / North German Broadcasting. 1996.


Günter Bommert has directed over 200 radio plays, including:

Other radio work

  • Praise to the game of chess. Essay. The sports kaleidoscope. 1964.
  • Solution and visit to the mother. Autobiographical texts. New Literature Studio. 1981.
  • Günter Bommert in conversation, interviewer: Ulla Hahn . New Literature Studio. 1981.



  • One phoenix too many , 1963 (Radio Bremen)


  • The Winter House , 1988, directed by Hilde Lermann
  • The Last Summer , 1991, directed by Hilde Lermann
  • A single murder , 1999, directed by Karl Fruchtmann

Reading performances



  • Noises of the night. 2008.
  • The rest is silence. 2008.
  • Ludwig Tieck : Puss in Boots. 2010.
  • Small love affairs. 2011.
  • Wislawa Szymborska (1923–2012) in memory. 2012.
  • Ingeborg Bachmann : Bohemia is by the sea. 2012.
  • About snow and ice in European literature and art. 2012.


  • Bernhard Gleim: speaking player, hearing maker. The excellent Günter Bommert, head of radio plays at Radio Bremen, has gone into a kind of retirement. In: taz . July 16, 1990.
  • Bernhard Gleim: Seriously and precisely. Obituary. In: taz. 5th December 2014.

Web links

Commons : Günter Bommert  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. z. B. Linguistic Limericks. In: The time. September 4, 1970 ( online )
  2. z. B. Magic square. In: The time. October 24, 1970, reprinted in: KP Denker (Ed.): Wortwechsel. Poetic language games. Reclam, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 978-3-15-020261-6 , p. 118
  3. ARD audio game database
  4. ARD audio game database
  5. Search in the ARD audio play database