Artist group 45 Krefeld

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The artist group 45 Krefeld was a progressive regional artist group founded in 1945 . It existed until the mid-1960s and was based in Krefeld .


The artist group 45 was founded on October 9, 1945 by 13 artists in and around Krefeld as an exhibition community. In the same year, the Niederrheinische Künstlergilde was founded in Krefeld, but it was traditionally oriented, while the rather loose community of the artist group 45 without any particular stylistic orientation showed progressive artistic approaches from the start. The club life consisted of regular meetings and artist festivals. A high artistic level was maintained by the fact that new members were only accepted by decision of the board of directors or the general assembly. The Krefeld artists were shown in the first exhibition in 1946 after the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum was closed due to the war in 1942 . In addition to Krefeld, joint exhibitions were held in Aachen, Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach and Wuppertal.

An anniversary exhibition in 1965 no longer took place. The art writer Wilhelmi cites the aging of the members as the reason for the group's closure.




  • 1946 Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld
  • 1946 Wuppertal Municipal Museum
  • 1947 Suermondt Museum , Aachen, November 16, 1947 to December 5, 1947
  • 1955 10 years of artist group 1945 , Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld
  • 1956 10 years of artist group 1945 , Altes Museum Mönchengladbach
  • 2015 commemorative exhibition: "70 years after the foundation: Artists' group 1945 Krefeld" , Verein Kunst und Krefeld, Alte Post


  • Christoph Wilhelmi: Artist groups in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 1900. A manual. Hauswedell, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-7762-0400-1 , pp. 228-229 (No. 131).
  • Jutta Held : Art and Art Politics 1945–49. Cultural development in Germany after World War II. Publishing house for training and studies in the Elefanten Press, Berlin 1981, ISBN 3-88290-105-5 .
  • Georg Opdenberg: In memoriam 2005 - 60 years Niederrheinische Künstlergilde und Künstlergruppe 1945 Krefeld. In: Die Heimat , Krefelder Jahrbuch, Volume 77, 2006, pp. 25 ff., ISSN  0342-5185 .

Individual evidence

  1. George Opdenberg: In memoriam 2005-60 annual precipitation Rheinische Künstlergilde and artists group in 1945 Krefeld. In: Die Heimat , Krefelder Jahrbuch, Volume 77, 2006, pp. 25 ff.
  2. Krefeld artists and artists from the Lower Rhine. Bought and exhibited by the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. 1945–1961. Krefeld 1961.
  3. ^ Christoph Wilhelmi: Artist groups in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 1900. A manual. Hauswedell, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-7762-0400-1 , p. 228.
  4. ^ Reminder of the artist group 45. In: Rheinische Post from November 20, 2015. Retrieved on August 16, 2017.
  5. Exhibition information 70 years of the artist group 1945 Krefeld , website Kunst und Krefeld. Retrieved August 16, 2017.