Kōichi Toyosaki

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Kōichi Toyosaki ( Japanese 豊 崎 光 一 , Toyosaki Kōichi ; born December 20, 1935 in Tokyo ; † June 12, 1989 ) was a Japanese French-speaking French .

Toyosaki studied Romance studies at the Gakushūin Daigaku in Tokyo until 1959 and then spent three years (1960-3) in Paris for research purposes. On his return he was made a full professor.

He translated French works a. a. by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio , Pierre Klossowski , Michel Foucault , Maurice Blanchot and Gilles Deleuze into Japanese. He was particularly interested in the French ethnologist, writer and ship's doctor Victor Segalen and the French poet Comte de Lautréamont , whose collected works he translated into Japanese.

Independent works

  • Yohaku to sono yohaku mata wa miki no nai tsugiki ( 余 白 と そ の 余 白 ま た は 幹 の な い 接木 ), 1974
  • Suna no kao ( 砂 の 顔 ), 1975
  • Tasha to (shite no) bōkyaku: Metaphore Metamorphosis ( 他 者 と (し て の) 忘却 メ タ フ ォ ー ル メ タ モ ル フ ォ ー ズ , ~: Metafōru Metamorufōzu ), 1986
  • Montebako ( 文 手 箱 ), 1986
  • Family Romance - Text, Context, Pretext ( ファミリー·ロマンス-テクスト·コンテクスト·プレ(-)テクスト , Famirī romansu - Tekusuto, Kontekusuto, Pure (-) tekusuto ), 1988
  • Chronic ( ク ロ ニ ッ ク , Kuronikku ), 1989
  • Holonic ( ホ ロ ニ ッ ク , Horonikku ), 1989

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 豊 崎 光 一 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved April 20, 2014 (Japanese).
  2. See article Toyosaki Kōichi Bunko of the special university collection in Japan at the German Institute for Japanese Studies