Kōsei Matsui

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Kōsei Matsui ( Japanese 松井 康 成 , Matsui Kōsei ; * May 20, 1927 in Motomaki (today: Saku ), Nagano Prefecture ; † April 11, 2003 , Kasama , Ibaraki Prefecture ) was a Japanese potter and art ceramist. It was declared in 1993 as a living national treasure for the important intangible cultural asset "Neriage".

Kōsei Matsui was born in Motomaki in 1927. He studied Japanese literature at Meiji University , which he graduated in 1952. In the same year he married Hideko, the eldest daughter of a priest of the 1937 restored temple Gessō-ji ( 月 崇 寺 ) in Kasama . In 1957 Matsui became a priest of Jōdo-shū in this temple . In 1959 he rebuilt the old kiln on the temple grounds and dedicated himself to old ceramics from China, Korea and Japan. from 1967 on he learned the pottery from Kōichi Tamura. In 1969 he took part in an exhibition of the Japanese Society for Arts and Crafts with a large ceramic pot in Neriage technique and won a sponsorship award. Neriage or Nerikomi is a technique from the Chinese Tang dynasty in which different colored types of clay are twisted into one another or pressed into shapes. In this way, marbled ceramics with a variety of colorful patterns are created. In the 80s he perfected different patterns, such as thin iron black line patterns. In the course of time he developed his own form of the Neriage technique, by brushing the surface with the potter's wheel to create flaws in the glaze and an irregular surface texture. In 1988 he received the Medal of Honor on the purple ribbon.

Kōsei Matsui was named a Living National Treasure in 1993 for his Neriage technique. He died of respiratory failure in 2003 .

Individual evidence

  1. 松井 康 成 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved March 24, 2015 (Japanese).
  2. 練 上 の 美 人間 国宝 松井 康 成 展 . 株式会社 筑波 銀行 , December 2011, accessed March 12, 2015 (Japanese).

Web links

  • 松井 康 成 . In:日本 美術 年鑑 . National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Tokyo, October 27, 2014,p. 298,accessed March 24, 2015(Japanese).
  • 松井 康 成 . Nippon Kogei Association, October 27, 2014,accessed March 24, 2015(Japanese, with many illustrations of his works).
  • 松井 康 成 . Ibaraki Ceramic Art Museum, 2009,accessed March 24, 2015(Japanese).
  • 松井 康 成 . 茨城 県 生活 環境 部 生活 文化 課,Retrieved March 24, 2015(Japanese, With an illustration by Kōsei Matsui).
  • Matsui Kōsei. Joan B. Mirviss Ltd., accessed March 24, 2015 .