Hermione Claar-Delia

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Hermine Claar-Delia , née Hermine Delia , ( April 4, 1848 in Vienna - November 21, 1908 in Frankfurt am Main ) was an Austrian theater actress .


She showed talent for the stage at an early stage and took lessons from Joseph Lewinsky . She found her first engagement at the Deutsches Theater in Pest (1864). There she brought Director Chéri Maurice to the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, which he directed. In 1866 she went to the Royal Theater in Berlin and in the same year moved to the Schwerin Court Theater. In 1868 she came to the Theater an der Wien for a guest performance. There she celebrated as "Minona" in Heinrich Laube's Evil Tonguessuch triumphs that he immediately engaged them for the Leipzig City Theater. After her departure from Leipzig in 1871, she did not accept a permanent commitment, but worked as a guest. In 1872 she took on a permanent engagement at the Prague German State Theater, which she left in 1876 to work at the Residenztheater Berlin, where her husband Emil Claar was director, until 1879. She then took up her permanent residence with her husband (who became the director of the Frankfurt City Theater that year ) in Frankfurt am Main. From 1879 to 1891 she worked again as a guest and ended her stage career in the last year mentioned. She is buried in Frankfurt's main cemetery.


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  1. It is possible that she was born on April 8, 1844. Source: New Theater Almanac 1910, 21st vol.