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KYTV was a British comedy show that aired on BBC Two from 1989 to 1993 . In Central Europe, the show was broadcast by arte , among others .


The series was a TV sequel to the radio comedy Radio Active , which was broadcast on BBC Radio 2 and poked fun at British local radio. The actors are largely identical.

KYTV was written by Angus Deayton and Geoffrey Perkins and produced by Jamie Rix , with music by Philip Pope .

The five main actors play various supporting roles in addition to the main characters.

The main characters are

The pilot was broadcast on BBC Two on May 12, 1989 , but not in Central Europe so far. The regular series started on May 3, 1990 and is divided into three seasons with 6 episodes each. Finally there was a special episode called Children in Need . However, this was only broadcast by the BBC. So there are a total of 20 programs.

The series won the Silver Rose of Montreux in 1992, the City of Montreux Prize for the episode “Good Morning Calais”.


KYTV is a parody of commercial television formats, particularly those of the British satellite broadcaster Sky Television . A special highlight are the commercials, which are very close to the original.


  • The KYTV owner is called Sir Kenneth Yellowhammer (SKY)
  • The fiercest competitors are BSE-TV for KYTV and BSB-TV for Sky.
  • At the same time, Sky and KYTV launched new special-interest channels with similar names SkySport / KY Sports or Red Hot Dutch / Leak Warm Belgier.
  • There are clear similarities in the characters between the owners Rupert Murdoch (SKY) and Kenneth Yellowhammer (KYTV)

Each episode deals with a central theme in the form of a program special, around which the entire plot is built.


  • Pilot episode - Siege Side Special

season 1

  • 1 - launch

In this episode, the official launch party is celebrated, the program and the moderators are presented. Quotes: Kenneth Yellowhammer is a family man, so he has several families. BBC and ITV produce television of the highest order, so there was a niche in the market for dirty, cheap junk.

  • 2 - Big Fight Special

The winner of a casting show must compete against a professional boxer. Quotes: We welcome an expert known only as Mr. Boxing. Welcome Henry Boxing. We repeat our song “Schnauze des Leopard” until it is number 1 in the charts.

  • 3 - The Green Green Show

This show is about pollution. The show is sponsored by "Exxon - The right oil for your fish". The invited experts are also of dubious quality, such as the chairman of the Green Party, a full-time sports reporter at KYTV and a heating engineer from Global Warming.

  • 4 - Those Fabulous War Years

The theme of this show is the Second World War, which is glorified in a thirst for effects and shouting.

  • 5 - It's a Royal Wedding

Live broadcast of a wedding of an insignificant noble couple. KYTV advertises everywhere, even in church and also on the soles of the groom. The highlight is the performance of the metal band "Gums 'n' Spittle" as a church choir.

  • 6 - Challenge Anna

Challenge Anna is the KYTV version of Rätselflug. Special feature: a donor spleen has to be found and transplanted in 30 minutes.

season 2

  • 1 - KYTellyThon

Brown Nose Day on KYTV. It's about doing the crazy things possible and collecting money for it. The crazy things work better than the money.

  • 2 - God Alone Knows

This episode parodies the religious compulsory programming of the private broadcasters by means of the in-house pastor Reverend Wright. Jihad fighter Rashid and the hand puppet “Rabbi Rabbit” perform for the religious minorities. Quote: - Rashid, how do you spread Islam? - With the sword and a lot of blood! - And how do you spread the faith, Reverend? - Similar: with bingo and church flea markets. - Rashid, what do you think of Sunday sales? - I don't care. - How about you, Reverend? - Burn the bastards!

  • 3 - Good Morning Calais

Special for the opening of the Canal Tunnel and simultaneous start of the Europe-wide program KY Europe. The KYTV crew makes fun of numerous European idiosyncrasies and stereotypes.

  • 4 - Crisis Special

Some putsch is taking place on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Nobody knows what happened, nobody knows what to do, but it is widely reported. Quotes: As I said on the BBC, ITV, Sky News and London Jazz Radio, this war is way too much in the media. I want the president to be able to do whatever he wants - well, that's democracy more in the dictatorial sense of the word.

  • 5 - Speak For Yourself

One year at KYTV and you can take a look behind the (alpine) dream factory. Kenneth Yellowhammer answers questions from viewers. Quotes: The merger of KYTV and BSE-TV was not a takeover. You see: “KY” came from us and “TV” from BSE-TV. This gave the completely new name to KYTV. We provided the staff, the technology and the programming, and the lined envelopes from BSE-TV. You see - a flawless fusion!

  • 6 - Talking Head

Unfortunately, the by-election in Thodding Province is running at the same time as KYTV's sex show. There are always confusions.

season 3

  • 1 - The Making of David Chizzlenut

This episode shows the emergence of a self-produced drama. From the beginning to the end.

  • 2 - Those Sexciting Sixties

Review of the wild hippie era with many contemporary witnesses and excerpts.

  • 3 - Fly on the Walls

Reality TV! The Wall family is observed very intimately for a year and a battlefield is set up after a short time.

  • 4 - 2000 and Whither?

KYTV wonders what the world will look like in the year 2000 and what technical achievements await us. Quote: We on Mars communicate through telepathy. We have no sense of smell, no language and we drink Guinness because we also have no taste.

  • 5 - Hot Crimes

KYTV tries as file number XY. But perpetrators can only be caught if there is also a crime.

  • 6 - Get Away With You

The travel special on KYTV shows us how the British shouldn't behave better on vacation.

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