Kai Frobel

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Kai Frobel is a German geoecologist and nature conservationist. He is the initiator of the “Green Belt” project.


Frobel grew up in Hassenberg near Coburg in Upper Franconia, in the immediate vicinity of the former German-German border. The facilities on the inner-German border were within sight of his parents' house . Even as a teenager in 1975 he researched the bird world in the border strip and recognized its importance as a retreat for threatened species.

He completed his university studies with a degree in geoecology and received his doctorate in 1997 from the chair of biogeography at the University of Bayreuth . Today he works as a species protection officer at the Bund Naturschutz .

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, in December 1989 he organized the first all-German meeting with conservationists from the Federal Republic and the GDR in Hof. There the idea was born to designate the border strip as a protected area, which led to the nature conservation project “ Green Belt Germany ” and later also “ Green Belt Europe ”. Frobel has been responsible for the project for BUND ever since.

honors and awards

In 2009 he received the Bavarian Constitutional Medal in silver.

In 2015 he was awarded the medal for special services to Bavaria in a United Europe .

2017 German Environment Prize

Web links