Kaiserstuhl Goslar

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Goslar, vestibule of the Pfalzstiftskirche, plinth and sandstone barriers of the Kaiserstuhl, replica of the armrests
Kaiserpfalz Goslar, bronze armrests of the Kaiserstuhl (original)

The Kaiserstuhl Goslar was created between 1060 and 1080 and was the throne of the German emperors and kings in the collegiate church St. Simon and Judas (" Goslarer Dom "), which belonged to the district of the Kaiserpfalz Goslar . In addition to the Krodo altar , it is one of the most important remaining pieces of equipment from the demolished collegiate church.

The Kaiserstuhl consists of three backrests (sides, back) that were cast from bronze - they are now in the vaults of the Kaiserpfalz Goslar  - and a stone substructure with a seat and throne made of sandstone - today, with a replica of the bronze backs in erected in the preserved vestibule of the collegiate church of St. Simon and Jude.

The metal of the armrests was extracted in nearby Rammelsberg . With their luxuriant tendril ornaments , pomegranates and openwork palmettes , they are among the most important works of Salic bronze casting. The sandstone throne walls surrounding the seat are dated to around 1220. They adorn animal figures and mythical creatures. In addition to the Aachen royal throne of Charlemagne in Aachen  - whose shapes it is similar - the Goslarer Kaiserstuhl is the only surviving medieval throne of a German emperor .

The Kaiserstuhl stood in the collegiate church until it was demolished (1819–1822) and was auctioned at the value of the material at that time. After a few detours it came into the possession of Prince Carl of Prussia and in 1871 it was used for the last time in an imperial ceremony as the seat of Emperor Wilhelm I at the opening of the 1st Berlin Reichstag . Carl gave it to the city of Goslar through a will.


  • Hans-Günther Griep: Goslar - The Palatinate District , Verlag Goslarsche Zeitung, Goslar 1988
  • Ursula Müller, Hans-Günther Griep, Volker Schadach: Kaiserstadt Goslar , Verlag Volker Schadach, Goslar 2000, ISBN 3-928728-48-2
  • Christoph Gutmann, Volker Schadach: Kaiserpfalz Goslar , Verlag Volker Schadach, Goslar 2002, ISBN 3-928728-52-0

Web links

Commons : Kaiserstuhl Goslar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files