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Kalliaros ( Greek  Καλλίαρος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

He was a son of Odoidokos and the Laonome , as well as eponym of the homonymous village in Lokris , which later became part of the city of Opus . According to the original Locrian legend, Calliarus is said to have been a son of Opus (fathered by Zeus ) .


Individual evidence

  1. Hellanikos ( FGrHist 4 F 13) in Stephanos of Byzantium , Ethnika , sv Kalliaros .
  2. ^ Otto Höfer : Opus 2 . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 3.1, Leipzig 1902, column 938 ( digitized version ).
  3. Scholion to Homer , Iliad 2, 531.