Kameralamt Rot am See

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The Rot am See camera office was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the administrative district. It existed in Rot am See from 1810 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


According to the ordinance of June 6, 1819, the Rot am See camera office has:

  • ceded to the camera office Crailsheim from the Schultheisserei Gröningen: Bölgental, Gaismühle, Heinzmühle and Trifftshausen,
  • taken over: from the Künzelsau camera office: staff Bartenstein with Bartenstein, Gütbach, Hornungshof, Maisenhof, Reichertswiesen and Klopfhof; Blaufelden staff: Leutenweiler; Dünsbach staff: Dünsbach, Morstein, Brachbach; Herrentierbach staff: Herrentierbach, Alkershausen, Mittelbach and Simmetshausen; District of Langenburg: Langenburg, Bieselberg, Hürden, Nesselbach and Söllbot; Staff Oberregenbach: Oberregenbach, Bächlingen and Unterregenbach; Staff Obersteinach: Obersteinach, Sandelsbronn, Altenberg and Niedersteinach; Rappoldshausen staff: Rappoldshausen, Uzenrat, Billingsbach, Bruchlingen, Ludwigsruhe, Neuhof; Riedbach staff: Riedbach, Eichholz, Eichwiesen, Heuchlingen and Kottmannsweiler; Schrozberg staff: Schrozberg, Krailshausen, Kälberbach, Könbronn, Kreuzfeld, Reupoldsrot, Sigisweiler and Zell as well as the Gerabronn forest area of ​​the Crailsheim Forestry Office.

According to the ordinance of February 28, 1872 regarding the dissolution of the Creglingen camera office , the Rot am See camera office comprised the entire district of the Oberamt Gerabronn . At the same time, the places Niederstetten, Oberstetten, Spielbach and Wildentierbach were taken over with all parcels.


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