Camera office in Crailsheim

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The Crailsheim Camera Office was an institution of the Kingdom of Württemberg that administered state property and income in the district. It existed in Crailsheim from 1810 to 1922 . The camera office was created as part of the reorganization of the state finance administration in the Kingdom of Württemberg.


According to the decree of June 11, 1819, the Crailsheim camera office ceded to the Ellwangen camera office :

Furthermore, the forest and hunting slopes of the Hohenberg, Roßfeld , Mariäkappel and Weipertshofen districts of the Crailsheim Forestry Office were taken over at the same time .

According to available Ministry of Finance of 20 March 1838, the districts of were Oberamts and Kameralamts Crailsheim matched and this from Kameralamt Crailsheim to the Kameralamt Ellwangen the plots Mehlhof , Scheubenhof , Schimmelhof the town of Rosenberg and the plot Games Gert ceded the community Jagstzell.


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