Camera science
In the 18th and 19th centuries , cameral science , cameralistics (in a broader sense) or cameralia (sometimes also cameralia ) were those sciences that gave chamber officials the knowledge they needed to work in the administration of the absolutist state. With Kameralistik in the narrower sense a branch of cameralism is referred to; namely the bookkeeping of the camera operators, which is still practiced today.
The cameralistics was developed in 1762 by the Austrian councilor Johann Mathias Puechberg (1708–1788). Cameralistics can be viewed as the German counterpart to French mercantilism . Cameralistics is about influencing the economy through government actions in such a way that the prosperity of a nation is increased.
Despite the princes' striving for maximum income, camera science already took into account a number of the basic functions of the state that are taken for granted today: promoting the economy (although initially mainly in the field of agriculture) and ensuring internal and external security. Thus the doctrine of chamber matters was formed as a compilation of the principles governing the activities of these authorities.
Cameral science was taught from specially established cameralistic chairs at the universities, first in Prussia in Halle and Frankfurt (Oder) since 1727, and u. a. scientifically represented by Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff , Philip Wilhelm von Hornick , Georg Heinrich Zincke , Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi and Joseph von Sonnenfels . It fell into two parts. On the one hand in economics, which not only included the general housekeeping rules, but also the theory of urban economics (trade, industry) and agriculture. On the other hand, in the doctrine of the administration of the state, one part of which, the police, deals with the measures for the care and increase of the general welfare of the people. The other part of the administration study dealt with the area that corresponds to today's finance. Cameral science can be seen as one of the sources of political science .
- Johann Matthias Puechberg: Introduction to an improved Kameral accounting footer , applied to the administration of a Kameral rule. 1762. Quoted in: Reinbert Schauer: Accounting in public administrations. 2007 Verlag Linde, Vienna: p. 19.
- Georg Friedrich von Lamprecht; Draft of an encyclopedia and methodology of the economic-political and cameral sciences for the use of academic lectures. Halle, Hemmerdesche bookstore, 1785.
- NN: Cameralism - Cameral Science. In . February 11, 2011
- Camera science . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 9, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 422.
- Magdalene Humpert : Bibliography of the camera sciences . Kurt Schröder Verlag, Cologne 1937. (= Cologne Bibliographical Works 1)
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ Camera Studies. Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 10. Leipzig 1907, p. 509.
- ↑ Cologne, Wirtsch.- u. social science Diss. V. Feb. 17, 1939. Contains more than 14,000 entries.