Kamysh strike

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KamyshLag was a special camp of the MWD for political prisoners . These special camps with a tightened regime were special facilities created by the Interior Ministry MWD (formerly NKVD) in the general Gulag system in the Soviet Union in the post-war period . The camp existed in this form from 1951 to 1954.


KamyshLag, Russian Камышлаг , was originally called Ossoblag No. 10 , d. H. Special camp No. 10 (from особый лагерь № 10, особлаг № 10 ). The name comes from Камышовый ла́герь , Kamyschowy d. H. Reed storage or reed storage . These designations for the originally numbered special bearings were only assigned later and mostly randomly, as a kind of code, mostly without any reference to reality; Kamyshovy was then the camp's telegraph code, which was assigned to the camp on October 30, 1951. It is believed that it was adopted for the camp designation. The full full name was Камышовый ИТЛ for Камышовый исправительно-трудовой лагерь - Kamyshovyj reform and labor camp.

History, activity

The KamyshLag camp was founded on April 30, 1951 based on Decree No. 00219 of the Ministry of Interior MWD of February 21, 1948. It was located in southern Siberia near the then independent settlement of Olscheras, which on June 23, 1955 became part of the Mezhduretschensk municipality (Russian Междуре́ченск , erroneously also Междуречье ) in the administrative district of Kemerovo Oblast . On October 4, 1954, the camp was dissolved as a special camp and handed over as a corrective labor camp (ITL) to the Administration for Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies of the Ministry of the Interior (UITLK UMWD) in Omsk .

Responsible for the camp were:

  • GULAG (warehouse head office) of the MWD from April 30, 1951
  • GTU (Main Prison Administration) of the MWD from March 28, 1953
  • GULAG (warehouse head office) of the MWD from February 8, 1954

The prisoners were used, among other things, for the following work:

  • Construction of various new factories, including electrical stations, petroleum processing
  • heavy work in coal mining, construction of new shafts and tunnels in mining
  • including building housing for the miners

Occupant Numbers

According to the records of the responsible authorities, the following numbers of inmates could be determined for the KamyschLag camp:

  • July 1, 1951 - 7256
  • Jan. 1, 1952 - 10,750
  • Jan. 1, 1953 - 8182
  • Jan. 01, 1954 - 13,273

Known inmates

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Vladimír Bystrov: Únosy československých občanů do Sovětského Svazu v letech 1945-1955 (kidnapping of Czechoslovak citizens in the Soviet Union 1945-1955). Edition Svědectví , ed. from Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu ÚDV, an institution of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, Prague 2003, 343 pages, ISBN 80-7312-027-5 , online at: szcpv.org / ... , section Kamyšlag, page 260.
  2. a b c d e КАМЫШОВЫЙ ЛАГЕРЬ . In: MB Smirnow (ed.): Система исправительно-трудовых лагерей в СССР (The system of corrective labor camps in the USSR 1923-1960). Zwenja, 1998. Online on the Мемориал portal (Memorial.ru) memo.ru / ...
  3. Приказ МВД СССР № 00219 “Об организации особых лагерей МВД” (Ordinance No. 00219 on the organization of special storage facilities of the MWD). Online at: alexanderyakovlev.org / ...

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