Cape Marchesi

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Cape Marchesi
Geographical location
Cape Marchesi (Antarctic Peninsula)
Cape Marchesi
Coordinates 72 ° 24 ′  S , 77 ° 37 ′  W Coordinates: 72 ° 24 ′  S , 77 ° 37 ′  W
location Smyley Island , West Antarctica
coast Trathan coast
Waters Bellingshausen lake
Waters 2 Ronne Entrance

Cape Marchesi is a cape on the northeastern extension of Smyley Island off the English coast of the West Antarctic Ellsworthland . It marks the eastern limit of the Trathan coast and the southern limit of the entrance to the Ronne Entrance .

The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named it in 2010 after Victor Aloysius John Baptist Marchesi (1914-2006), captain of the British research vessel William Scoresby from 1943 to 1947.

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