Kapys (Troy)

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Kapys ( Greek  Κάπυς , Latinized Capys ) is a person of Greek mythology and eponymous hero of the city of Capua .

He is considered the son of Assarakos (son of Tros ) and the Hieromneme , consort of Aigesta , Themiste (also Themis, daughter of Ilos ), father of Laocoon and Anchises and thus the grandfather of Aeneas . He was one of the townspeople who thought the wooden horse at the gates of Troy was a trap that should be destroyed.

In ancient tradition, Kapys was considered the founder and namesake of the ancient Capua . Virgil claims that he came there as Aeneas' companion, but according to older tradition he came to Capua alone. His grave was thereat Suetonius According colonists Caesars destroyed.

According to other traditions, however, Capua was founded by a grandson of Aeneas named "Rhomos" or by a Samnite general named Kapys.


Individual evidence

  1. Libraries of Apollodor 3.141.
  2. Hekataios von Milet , in: Felix Jacoby , The Fragments of the Greek Historians (FGrH) No. 1, F 62.
  3. ^ Virgil , Aeneid I, 183.
  4. ^ Servius , Commentary on the Aeneid I, 242.
  5. ^ Suetonius , Caesar 81.1.
  6. Dionysius of Halicarnassus , Antiquitates Romanae 1,73,3.
  7. Titus Livius , Ab urbe condita IV, 37.1.