Cardinal ring

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The cardinal ring has been a cardinal's insignia since the 9th century and symbolizes loyalty to the Church . The ring is made of gold . The ring is given to the cardinal by the Pope upon his appointment. It is worn by the cardinal on the right hand instead of the bishop's ring .

The ring, like the bishop's ring, is not worn on Good Friday . If a cardinal is elected Pope, he receives the fisherman's ring and discards the cardinal's ring . Pope Benedict XVI After his election, he gave his cardinal ring to the Black Madonna , the miraculous image of Altötting, during his trip to Germany in 2006 .

Individual evidence

  1. Cardinal ring : symbol of loyalty to the Church. In: Spiegel Online photo gallery. March 26, 2006, accessed December 6, 2014 .
  3. ( Memento from May 7, 2009 in the Internet Archive )

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