Karina Pallagst

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Karina Martha Pallagst (born May 2, 1969 in Kaiserslautern ) is a German spatial planner and university lecturer for international planning systems.


Pallagst attended elementary school in Otterberg and graduated from the Burggymnasium in Kaiserslautern in 1988 . From 1988 to 1994 she studied spatial and environmental planning at the University of Kaiserslautern with a degree in engineering. From 1994 to 1997 she worked as a research assistant at the Department of Regional and State Planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. In 1997 she moved to the Leibnitz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development eV (IÖR), Dresden, where she was project manager and member of the management team until 2006 (on leave for a stay abroad in the USA from 2001 to 2006).

She did her doctorate in 1999 at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in the field of spatial and environmental planning on the subject of spatial planning in the Czech Republic against the background of European spatial planning efforts .

From 2001 to 2010 she was visiting scholar and program coordinator at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development at the University of California, Berkeley , and at the Center for Global Metropolitan Studies at the University of California, Berkeley .

In 2006 she presented her habilitation thesis on Growth Management in the San Francisco Bay Area between Theory and Practice at the TU Dresden . In 2006 she received the license to teach spatial planning from the Faculty of Forest Geosciences and Hydro Sciences .

In 2010 she was appointed university professor for international planning systems at the Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and has since headed the newly created department of the same name. She has been Vice Dean of the Department of Spatial and Environmental Planning at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern since 2017.

In her research, Pallagst deals with internationally comparative urban and regional development, shrinking cities, border studies, urban growth, planning cultures and planning theory.

Pallagst is married to Holger Fritzinger and has two daughters:

Memberships and networks

  • In 2004 she founded the Shrinking Cities International Research Network (SCiRN) together with other scientists (Ivonne Audirac, Christina Martinez Fernandez, Sylvie Fol, José Vargas Hernandez, Sergio Moraes, Helen Mulligan, Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot, Dong-Chun Shin, Thorsten Wiechman,) of which she is chairman.
  • Member of the Greti network (Groupe de recherche transfrontalière interdisciplinaire)
  • Member of the steering group of the UniGR Center for Border Studies, which is currently being established.
  • Member of the Council of Representatives of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
  • Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning (ARL), Hanover
  • State working group Hessen / Rhineland-Palatinate / Saarland of the Academy for Spatial Research and State Planning, Hanover
  • German Association for Applied Geography (DVAG)
  • European Research Association (EURA)
  • Information group for spatial planning e. V. (IfR)
  • Association of American Geographers (AAG)
  • German University Association (DHV)
  • Alumni Association "Spatial and Environmental Planning in Kaiserslautern"


  • From 2001 to 2003 she was a Fedor Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Society (research stay in the USA).
  • In 2016 she came up for the Excellence in Teaching Award of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) for the course "Teaching Planning Cultures and Sustainability as part of the interdisciplinary Kaiserslautern Open Online Course (KLOOC)" together with Michael von Hauff and Monika Haberer Rank 2.

Publications (selection)

  • Editor of PlanIt! and member of the editorial board of Town Planning Review magazine .
  • Growth management in the US between theory and practice , Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot 2007
  • Spatial planning in the Czech Republic - Central and Eastern European spatial planning against the background of European spatial planning efforts , Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2000
  • Collective works (ed.)
    • with Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Thorsten Wiechmann (Eds.): Shrinking Cities - International Perspectives and Policy Implications . Routledge Publishers 2013
    • The future of shrinking cities - problems, patterns and strategies of urban transformation in a global context . Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Center for Global Metropolitan Studies, and the Shrinking Cities International Research Network Monograph Series, 2009
  • Magazines, special issues (ed.)
    • with E. Cunningham-Sabot, S. Fol, H. Mulligan: Shrinking Cities Themed issue for Town Planning Review, 2017, Vol. 88-1.
    • Pallagst, K. (Ed.): Journal PlanIt . Volumes 1/2013, 1/2014, 1/2015, 1/2016.
  • Articles in English-language journals (selection)
    • with Cunningham Sabot, E; Mulligan, H .; Fol, S (2017): The shrinking city awakens - Introduction to the special issue on shrinking cities . In: Town Planning Review. Vol. 88-1, pp. 9-14.
    • with R. Fleschurz, S. Said: What drives planning in a shrinking city? Tales from two German and two American cases . In: Town Planning Review, Special issue on shrinking cities. Vol. 88-1, 2017, pp. 15-28.
    • with R. Fleschurz, S. Asaaied: Right sizing the shrinking city: Tales from two German cases . In: South Architecture Magazine; Special Issue on Industrial Heritage, 2016, pp. 54–60.
    • with R. Fleschurz: A Review of "Design After Decline: How America Rebuilds Shrinking Cities" . In: Journal of Planning Education and Research, first published on November 19, 2015.
    • with M. Jain: Land use beyond control: How fragmented governance created sprawl in the Delhi Metropolitan Area . In: DISP. Vol. 51, No. 3, 2015, pp. 29-43
    • The planner's toolkit: can we plan for new tasks using existing processes and mechanisms? In: Borderlands, the Journal of Spatial Planning in Ireland, No. 3, Jan. 2013, pp. 43–53.
    • with Thorsten Wiechmann: Urban Shrinkage in Germany and the USA - A Comparison of Transformation Patterns and Local Strategies . In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Special Issue Shrinking Cities , 2012, pp. 261–280.
    • Viewpoint. The planning research agenda: shrinking cities - a challenge for planning cultures . In: Town Planning Review 81: 5, 2010, pp. I-IV.
    • with Frank Popper, Justin Hollander, Terry Schwartz: Shrinking Cities as an emerging planning paradigm, Progress in Planning, special issue on emerging research agendas in urban design and planning . 72/2009, pp. 223-232.
    • European spatial planning reloaded: considering EU enlargement in theory and practice . European Planning Studies, Issue 2/2006, pp. 253–272.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Regional planning of the Czech Republic: http://sowiport.gesis.org/search/id/gesis-solis-00278064
  2. Habilitation: Growth Management Book: https://books.google.de/books/about/Growth_Management_in_the_US.html?id=H2uVQ7aH-2EC&redir_esc=y >