Karl-Heinz Heydecke

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Karl-Heinz Heydecke (* 1957 ) is a German cabaret artist with sound poetry .


Heydecke grew up in Braunschweig and studied linguistics in Münster and Tübingen . Since 1997 he has been working as a speech therapist in adult education. He is married to the writer Sonja Ruf and lives in Saarbrücken. Stations were Darmstadt and Leipzig, where he could be seen with Heike Hennig in the Leipzig Opera.

He made a name for himself as a small artist with sound poetry, an art form between poetry and song, in which the sound of words and tones is in the foreground; “What happens when Konrad Duden doesn't recognize a single proper word” and “artistic syllable cascades” are given. He performs historical sound poetry, for example by Kurt Schwitters , Hugo Ball and Ernst Jandl , as well as his own works and shapes them into “linguistic tricks”. Works by Karl-Heinz Heydecke have been published by fhl-Verlag.


In 2005 he received the Golden Stage Drill Prize from the Leipzig Theater.



Sound carrier

  • Van Schereschlipp on other Lüj - songs and texts from the Lower Rhine , (with Günter Gall ), Schnoog 1108, 1987

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. OPER Leipzig unplugged No.1 with trailer
  2. Janna Kagerer: In "LEIPZIGER VOLKSZEITUNG XII / 07"
  3. Ralf Julke: In "Leipziger Internet newspaper", Leipzig 2008
  4. Freundeskreis Paul Ernst Wilke eV, Bremerhaven, 2008
  5. Dr. S. Mader: In "BADENER RUNDSCHAU, V / 06"