Karl-Heinz Röhr

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Karl-Heinz Röhr (born August 1, 1935 in Berlin ) is a German journalist. From 1986 to 1990 he was Professor of Fundamentals of Journalistic Methodology in the Journalism Section at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig .


Karl-Heinz Röhr attended the Pestalozzi primary school in Borna until 1949 . This was followed by a three-year apprenticeship as a mining machine operator in the Grosszössen / Witznitz lignite works near Borna, followed by a job as a machinist in briquetting from 1952–53 . Participation in a young press training course for young people's correspondents in connection with an editorial traineeship was followed in 1953 by a visit to the workers and farmers faculty (ABF) of the Karl Marx University of Leipzig (KMU).

After graduating from high school in 1956, Karl-Heinz Röhr studied under Hermann Budzislawski and Hedwig Voegt at the Faculty of Journalism at KMU Leipzig and graduated in 1960 with a degree in journalism. After three years as editor of the university newspaper of KMU Leipzig, he got a job first as a research assistant in the journalistic genres department at the Institute for Theory and Practice of Press Work at KMU Leipzig and finally in 1967 as senior assistant. After receiving his doctorate in 1966, his assistantship became Dr. rer. pole. with a thesis on the influence of radio etc. Television supplemented the transmission of information in the daily press by a study visit to the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonossow University in Moscow .

After the 3rd university reform in 1968/69, Karl-Heinz Röhr worked in the journalism section as an appointed lecturer for the specialist area of ​​journalistic methodology / journalistic information and from 1973 as head of the scientific department for the journalistic methodology department. In 1978 he completed his habilitation with a contribution on methodological aspects of creating effective journalistic individual contributions. His appointment as associate professor in 1986 was followed in 1989 by the appointment of full professor for the fundamentals of journalistic methodology. With the dissolution and transformation of the journalism section at the end of 1990, Karl-Heinz Röhr ended his work as a university lecturer and acted as managing director of the journalists and press clubs eV Leipzig from 1990 to 1992 as well as for a short time as a representative for magazine publishers. In 1992 the company went into retirement. Karl-Heinz Röhr is a founding member of the Lene-Voigt-Gesellschaft e. V. and head of the Leipzig senior journalists group.


  • Acquisition of the diploma as a qualified journalist on March 31, 1960.
  • Doctorate to Dr. rer. pole. on December 2, 1966 at the Faculty of Journalism at KMU Leipzig .
  • Facultas Docendi for the field of journalistic information from February 13, 1970 in the journalism section at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig.
  • Habilitation to Dr. sc. pol. before the Scientific Council of the KMU Leipzig 1978.


  • 1987–1989 member of the Council of the Faculty of Culture, Language and Education.
  • 1989–1990 chairman of the university union leadership at Karl Marx University in Leipzig.
  • 1990 Member of the Academic Senate of the Karl Marx University in Leipzig
  • 1990–1992 Chairman of the Journalist and Press Club Leipzig e. V.
  • since 1995 member of the Lene-Voigt-Gesellschaft e. V.

Publications (selection)

  • with Edmund Schulz: About information and news. Berlin: VdJ series of publications , issue 29, 1965.
  • Collective of authors: basic questions of journalistic information. Leipzig: KMU, Faculty of Journalism, 1965.
  • Newspaper information and screen. The socialist press in the conditions of television. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographical Institute , 1968.
  • Newspaper information and screen. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographical Institute, 1968.
  • Collective of authors: methodology of journalistic work. Exercise book in the journalism section (7 brochures). Leipzig: KMU Leipzig, 1970–74.
  • Journalistic genres. In: Rüdiger Bernhardt (Ed.): From the craft of writing. A non-fiction book for writers. Berlin: [1] , 1976 a. 1983.
  • with Fred Schreier, Klaus Zwanzig a. a .: Journalistic work in the company - a manual. Berlin: Dietz-Verlag , 1984.
  • Numerous individual articles in specialist journals such as Theory and Practice of Socialist Journalism or the Neue Deutsche Presse .
  • Editor and editor of numerous teaching materials and booklets for direct and Distance learning at the Faculty or Journalism Section of KMU Leipzig. Collaboration on collective publications such as a dictionary of socialist journalism in 1981.


Individual evidence

  1. Lene-Voigt-Gesellschaft e. V. Accessed February 20, 2014 .