Karl Alexander Kirn

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Karl Alexander Kirn (born August 1913 in Genoa ; † January 2008 in Reutlingen ) was a German occupational physician .

Karl Alexander Kirn studied medicine at the Universities of Freiburg , Munich and Tübingen . In 1938 he was in Tübingen with the work "About Bazin'sche disease of the breast" to Dr. med. PhD . He then completed his specialist training, worked at the Von Bodelschwinghschen Anstalten Bethel and until 1950 as a doctor in Bad Urach.

Starting in 1951, he set up a research unit for work physiology for Robert Bosch GmbH with the aim of safeguarding and promoting work and productivity . As one of the first physicians, he dealt intensively with the health impairments caused by work and influences from the work environment. He standardized ergometric examinations in an industrial company early on .

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