Karl Bayer (actor)

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Karl Bayer (born June 22, 1859 in Vienna , † April 2, 1940 in Weimar ) was an Austrian theater actor .


Bayer, son of the writer of the same name , entered the stage at an early age. He trained himself to be an actor, found his first engagement in 1877 at the Theater an der Josefstadt , then came to Bozen-Meran and from there to other larger and smaller Austrian provincial theaters, including Teplitz (1880 to 1883), Prague (1883 to 1884) ), Fürsttheater Wien (1884 to 1885), Salzburg (1885 to 1886), also worked in Würzburg and Kissingen (1889 to 1890), at the Karltheater in Vienna , then in Hamburg and from 1896 at the Residenztheater in Dresden.

Bayer was married to his colleague Julie Kronthal . His life after 1902 is unknown.


  • Ludwig Eisenberg : Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century . Published by Paul List , Leipzig 1903, p. 64.

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