Karl Fausel

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Karl Ludwig Fausel (born August 20, 1877 in Nürtingen , † January 16, 1939 in Nürtingen) was a German politician .


After attending primary school, Karl Fausel trained as a carpenter. From 1910 to 1914 he worked as a master carpenter in Nürtingen. From 1912 to 1920 he was chairman of the union cartel and the supervisory board of the consumer association Nürtingen.


Karl Fausel was a member of the SPD . From 1910 to 1914 he was a member of the City Council of Nürtingen. In 1917 he joined the USPD . In 1918 he became chairman of the district workers 'council in Nürtingen and a member of the state committee of workers' councils in Württemberg . He spoke out in favor of a socialist dictatorship because he considered a democratic social order in Germany to be too early. On July 7, 1919, Fausel announced the withdrawal of the USPD from the Württemberg councils . In 1920 he was elected to the Württemberg state parliament in the constituency of Kirchheim-Nürtingen-Urach , to which he belonged until 1924. In 1922 he returned to the majority Social Democrats .


Karl Fausel was the son of the farmer and state road warden Karl Ludwig Fausel (1847–1908) and Maria Fausel nee. Veith (1849 -?) And had nine siblings. He married Anna Maria Friesinger; he had a child with her.


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 192 .