Carl Friedrich von Biela

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Carl Friedrich von Biela , also Karl Friedrich von Bila , (* 1732 in Auleben ; † June 10, 1803 in Prague ) was an Imperial-Royal Lieutenant General Field Marshal .


Carl Friedrich von Biela came from the Berga branch of the ancient Thuringian noble family von Biela . He was the son of the Schwarzburg chamber director Georg Heinrich von Biela (1693–1760), the 2nd son of Heimart von Bila, heir to Berga. His mother was Philippine Auguste von Mützschefahl (1698-1732). He was born in 1732, probably on his father's estate Auleben, where his brother Heimart Heinrich Christoph was born, and died on June 10, 1803 in Prague .

Military career

Like his older brother Heimart Heinrich Christoph von Biela, he joined the emperor's army , which was the exception for young Protestant nobles at the time. While his brother retired from military service at an early age with the rank of imperial major and returned to Thuringia to take over the paternal estates of Berga and Auleben, Carl Friedrich von Biela remained in imperial service. He did not return to his home town of Thuringia after inheriting the Berga family estate after the death of his brother, but continued his military career in the service of the House of Austria until he died in 1803 with the rank of field marshal. In the Prague church book in question, his death entry is given the title Freiherr, but he was never officially awarded this title.

Carl Friedrich von Biela was married and had two sons.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility , Volume A VII, p. 39f., CA Starke Verlag , Limburg, 1965.