Karl Gottfried Jehnichen

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Karl Gottfried Jehnichen (* 1764 in Herzberg ; † April 29, 1790 ibid) was a German pedagogue and literary scholar.


Karl Gottfried Jehnichen, son of the then deacon Christian Gottfried Jehnichen (1732-1814), attended the grammar school in Grimma from June 19, 1777 to October 1, 1781 . On October 28, 1792, he had enrolled at the University of Wittenberg , first completed a degree in philosophy, and on April 30, 1785 acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy. After studying literature, on July 15, 1786, as a Magister legens, he obtained permission to read for universities.

On October 5, 1786, he was accepted as an adjunct to the philosophical faculty of the Wittenberg University and in 1788 moved to the city school in Naumburg (Saale) as rector . However, his health deteriorated noticeably. He therefore decided to return to the Wittenberg university on October 15, 1789. Here he was given an extraordinary professorship in philosophy on January 9, 1790 . In order to improve his health, he went to his father in Hertzberg, where he died at a young age.

Selection of works

  1. Diss. I et II de fide Homeri historica. Wittenberg 1786
  2. Diss. De ingenio Graecae linguae philosophico. Wittenberg 1786
  3. Diss. Theologico-exegetica (Praes. Fr. Volkm. Reinhard) de petenda rerum, quas libris NB continent, e libris VT apocryphis illustratione. Wittenberg 1786
  4. Diss. De consilio quod Jesus in oratione, quae montana dicitur, secutus est, ad locum inprimis Matth. V, 17. 18. 19. Wittenberg 1789


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer the Younger, Leipzig, 1806, vol. 6. p. 250
  • Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3. Halle (Saale), 1966, p. 253
  • Chr. G. Lorenz: Grimmenser Album - directory of all students of the royal state school in Grimma - before its opening until the third jubilee celebration. Verlag- Comptoirs, 1850, p. 315