Karl Höhn

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Karl Höhn (born October 29, 1880 in Ulm ; † April 1, 1942 ibid) was a German businessman, entrepreneur and founder of today's HÖHN Group .


Engraving drawing of the Höhn building in Ulm around 1910

In May 1910, Höhn had his dissertation as a doctor of chemistry printed by the Heinrich Frey Ulm printing company. Fascinated by printing technology, he bought the economically troubled printing company in October. Within two years, the company developed into the “most modern chemical-graphic institute” in southern Germany.

As early as 1912 he founded a branch in Biberach an der Riss , which specialized in the production of business books. For this it was necessary to set up a bookbinding shop, which in turn was linked to the use of cardboard boxes. Therefore, Höhn decided to start producing its own cardboard boxes. This expansion of its production range proved to be successful, because packaging for goods, food and luxury goods, such as cigarette packaging, were in great demand at that time. The business flourished and generated financial resources, which the technology enthusiast Karl Höhn invested again in innovative printing techniques.

So he introduced in 1925 as one of the first printers to the new offset one: A lithographic printing process which comprises high-pressure process was to replace half a century later of printing. With the acquisition of printing companies and publishing houses such as the Lindauer Tagblatt, the Allgäuer Neuesten Nachrichten, the Blaubeurer Tagblatt and the Tübinger Chronik, Höhn continuously expanded its activities. During these years the company employed 1,000 people in Ulm and 200 people in Biberach / Riß.

Business development was braked abruptly by the outbreak of the Second World War . The company was partially sold or nationalized by government order. On December 17, 1944, all the buildings at the company's headquarters in the middle of Ulm were destroyed in an air raid.

Karl Höhn did not live to see this fate - he died on April 1, 1942 at the age of 62. In the post-war years, the company was rebuilt as Dr. Karl Höhn KG under the management of general partner Erich Haug, who was closely related to Karl Höhn.

From the company Dr. Karl Höhn KG, the HÖHN Group was created with four company parts based in Ulm and Biberach an der Riss. These parts of the company were merged into HÖHN GmbH in the course of 2013. Since January 1, 2014, there is only HÖHN GmbH in Ulm, which has incorporated all previous parts of the company. The company specializes in the production of displays and packaging as well as print products. The group employs 280 people and operates throughout Europe.

In September 2018, the HÖHN GmbH surprisingly filed for bankruptcy under self-administration. Of the remaining 180 jobs, 70 were cut in the course of restructuring measures. The area of ​​commercial printing with calendar and catalog production was given up because it could not be operated profitably.

In April 2019, the company and 110 employees were taken over by the Jettinger Ludo Fact Group and have been operating under the name HÖHN Druck + Display GmbH since then.


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical Lexicon for Ulm and Neu-Ulm 1802-2009 . Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft im Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 2010, ISBN 978-3-7995-8040-3 , p. 172 f .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Südwest Presse Online-Dienst GmbH: Höhn in Ulm: After bankruptcy: New owner - 70 positions deleted. April 1, 2019, accessed November 1, 2019 .
  2. by Frank Lohmann: Ludo Fact Group takes over Ulm packaging and printing specialist Höhn. April 2, 2019, accessed on November 1, 2019 (German).