Karl Lönneker

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Karl Lönneker (born July 29, 1887 in Stadtoldendorf ; † 1942) was a German SA leader and politician.

Live and act

In September 1914, a few weeks after the start of the First World War , Lönneker was taken prisoner by the French, where he remained until 1919.

Lönneker joined the NSDAP on August 1, 1930 ( membership number 278.434). Soon after, on October 15, 1930, he also joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) - the private army of the Nazi movement - in which he soon rose to become one of the leading figures of the SA group Berlin-Brandenburg : Lönneker had the Rank of SA standard leader , making him one of the twelve highest-ranking members of this SA group of more than 200,000 people. On April 20, 1934 Lönneker was promoted to SA-Oberführer, which means that only the Gruppenführer Karl Ernst and August Wilhelm von Prussia stood above him in Berlin , while the SA leaders Richard Fiedler and Wilhelm Sander were on an equal footing with him. Lönneker's wedding in November 1933, at which Ernst appeared as best man, turned out to be a major event in which, among others, the Berlin police chief Magnus von Levetzow and Heinrich Himmler's deputy took part.

After the Röhm affair in early summer 1934, Lönneker was falsely reported as murdered several times. Contrary to this claim, Lönneker was not killed, but retained his rank as Oberführer. Later he also became city councilor of Wilmersdorf. He was also an honorary member of the People's Court until his death , a position in which Hans von Helms succeeded him.

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Heiber (ed.): Files of the party chancellery of the NSDAP . Vol. 1, part 1, p. 730.
  2. Lothar Machtan : The Emperor's Son with Hitler , p. 301.
  3. ^ Richard Wagner: Illustrated history of Falkensee . 2003.
  4. ^ White book on the shootings of June 30, 1934 , 1934. P. 89 and 100. Otto Strasser : Die deutsche Bartholomäusnacht . 1935.
  5. Lönneker . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1938, part 1, p. 1754.
  6. Lönneker . In: Berliner Adreßbuch , 1939, Part 1, p. 1754.