Karl Sachs (bailiff)

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Karl Sachs (* around 1811 in Karlsruhe ; † April 30, 1873 ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Karl Sachs studied law at the University of Heidelberg and became a member of the Corps Suevia Heidelberg in 1831 and then a member of the short-term Corps Palatia II in Heidelberg. After completing his studies, he entered the administrative service in Baden and was an auditor in Karlsruhe and Mannheim in 1839. Sachs was appointed bailiff in Lahr in 1844 . From 1853 he worked as a municipal administrator in the Karlsruhe municipal office.


  • Armin Danco: The Yellow Book of the Corps Suevia zu Heidelberg, 3rd edition (members 1810–1985), Heidelberg 1985, no. 240

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corps lists 1910 , 118 , 17