Karl Windisch

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Karl Adolf Windisch (* 1868 ; † 1927 ) was a German chemist .


Karl Windisch received his doctorate in 1892 from the Chemical Institute of the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He later worked as a fermentation chemist at the oenochemical research station of the Prussian Royal Institute for Wine, Fruit Growing and Horticulture in Geisenheim am Rhein and as a professor at the Hohenheim Agricultural University at the chair for fermentation trade (brewery and viticulture).

On April 6, 1907, he was elected a member ( matriculation number 3238 ) of the Leopoldina in the "Chemistry" section .

His brother Wilhelm (1860–1944) and his nephew Friedrich Karl Windisch (1895–1961) were also well-known fermentation chemists.

Fonts (selection)

  • The determination of the molecular weight in theoretical and practical relation. Berlin 1892, with a foreword by Eugen Sell
  • The chemical examination and evaluation of the wine. Berlin 1896
  • The Vine Fertilization Commission in the years 1892 to 1901 - Activity report. (= Work of the German Agricultural Society; Issue 70) Berlin 1904
  • Instructions for the investigation of must and wine for practitioners. Including sweet wines and sparkling wines. Wiesbaden 1904
  • The chemical processes involved in making wine. Stuttgart 1906
  • Wine Law of April 7, 1909. With an appendix containing the draft Wine Law and the official justification, the report of the Reichstag Commission, the Wine Customs Order of July 17, 1909, etc. Berlin 1910
  • Distillery courses in Hohenheim. Stuttgart 1915
  • Beer substitute. (= Journal for the Study of Food and Beverage, Vol 35, 1 Feb 1918) Berlin 1918
  • The fruit distillery. Instructions for the practical fruit distillery operation. Stuttgart 1923 digitized


  • Albert Wangerin (Ed.): Leopoldina . Official organ of the Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists. 43. Issue. On commission at Wilh. Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1907, p. 41 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Autobiographical sketch on Herbert Henck's homepage , accessed on December 27, 2017.
  2. ^ Member entry by Karl Windisch at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 5, 2017.